Saturday, June 6, 2015

I bit my child

Not this one though. 

Abigail bit this one. Or as Brady tearfully cried, "Mom! Abigail eat my arm!!!"

Abigail was having a rough day yesterday and decided this was an appropriate action for Brady copying her. She's very against copying. I told her if she ever bit Brady again, she could expect me to bite her as well. 

Anyways, today we were driving back  from the animal sanctuary when Brady started crying. He typically only cries about two things... food and pain. Since I knew the kids didn't have food, I was confused why he'd be crying. Then came "Abigail bit my finger!"

Ugh. So I reached out for her hand and bit her finger. Not very hard, but enough that she cried... Although maybe that was just because she got in trouble. 

Anyways, today I bit my kid. These are important life lessons I'm teaching here. 

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