Friday, August 31, 2012

clean up!

i am a lazy person but also one that is a bit ocd.  for this reason, i would very much like to pass along to my child my ocd tendencies without passing along the laziness.  so even though she is the ripe old age of two, she cleans up her own spills.  even when they are not her fault.  and sometimes without being asked.

it. is. magnificent.

i blame the laws of science but baby girl's sippy cups often overflow or erupt or... really i don't know what to call it.  when i take a cold sippy out of the fridge, it's fine.  but as the contents inside warm up, they start slowly emerging from the spout of the cup... even when it's upright.  baby girl is usually the first to notice.  she dislikes messes and spills almost as much as i do.

sometimes the paper towel roll gets a bit tricky and requires assistance.

all clean!
forgive me, these pictures are from two weeks ago or something.  as i said, i can be lazy.  but i swear the videos are less than ten days old.  not quite as bad.

my hope for my future children is that they can all be at least half as wonderful as this one.


Lyndel said...

HA. I love that she is a clean freak too :) What an awesomely trained child you have. Teaching by example :)

ok said...


I seriously cannot handle the cuteness!!! The going back to close the cabinet door, the throwing it away (and kind of stumbling when she does it), the putting the rubber bands back on?!?!

Carrie, seriously, I think you have the cutest kid I have EVER seen. I hope for myself a child half as cute as Abigail!