Saturday, April 20, 2013

just dance

abigail is at the age where it takes FOREVER to do even the simplest of tasks.  eating lunch can easily take over an hour, and just getting out a diaper and pj's for nap can take 10-15 minutes.  when we're in a hurry (or even when we're not) it can be sooo frustrating because i know i could do it myself in a matter of minutes or seconds but she is perfectly capable so i know i need to let her do it.  even if it takes a lot of guidance.

yesterday i got frustrated at her because i wanted her to feed herself her oatmeal while i got myself and brady ready and being late was not an option because i had to drop her off at her friend's house right at 10:30 or else brady and i would be late for his doctor appointment.  well, yesterday afternoon it was nap time and i asked her to pick out her diaper and pj's and then i would just watch her NOT do it.  finally i found myself saying "it's time to pick out a diaper and some pj's.  what are you doing?"  and then she wandered and wiggled a little more before finally breaking out.

"i'm dancing!"

no music, no hint of anything related to dancing.  just somehow, in the moment, she just couldn't resist the urge to dance.   


and it went on for at least 5 -8 minutes.  oh to be a child.  i'm pretty sure this isn't exactly what the scriptures are referring to when they say to become like a little child... but i think it's at least partially it.  this little girl teaches me so much.

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