Monday, April 22, 2013

lost and found

last night i had a yw fireside/meeting to attend.  while i was there i realized i had forgotten to put on my wedding ring.  i typically don't wear it while i'm at home but i'm normally pretty good about remembering to put it on before i go out.  oh well, whatever.  when i got home i noticed that one of my chapsticks (i keep two of them by my bathroom sink so i always have one to throw in my jeans pocket at the beginning of the day) was on the divider ledge between our kitchen and our great room.  i'm assuming abigail got a hold of it somehow and started eating it (judging from the bite marks and slobber i noticed when i removed the cap) before christopher took it and put it out of reach.  whoops... not a big deal.  

this morning as i was finishing getting ready, i went to grab my rings (engagement ring and wedding band) and noticed there was only one there instead of two.  thankfully the one present was the expensive one with the diamond but still... what happened to the wedding band?!  and then the eaten chapstick thought came back to me and i started scouring the floor and asking baby girl to remember where my ring was.  she kept getting distracted and she also just kept telling me about how she ate my chapstick.  i searched the carpet in my bedroom and still didn't find it and even tried my best to look down the drain of my sink.  i finally gave up and went on with my day although i searched a few more times as i passed through my bedroom/bathroom.

well, tonight i got brady up from his nap and was listening to a voicemail from my dad (my phone was on silent yet again so i missed his call) as i walked back into the kitchen to check on abigail in her highchair and..... something caught my eye!  my wedding band!

and then i breathed a sigh of relief and texted my christopher the good news.  hallelujah!

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