Monday, April 8, 2013


this is the second longest brady has ever slept.  once, when he was three weeks old he slept 7 hours and i woke up with the sun and was sure my child must have died.  seven hours at three weeks was obviously a fluke.
these are baby girl's new favorite shoes.  they squeak and she calls them her noisy boots.
they were a gift and in the box was a note about how there is hand beading that might not withstand hard play.  or in baby girl's case, withstand the 15 foot walk to the stairs.  beads everywhere and now i have to fix them because she's so sad to have broken her boots.  aside from that... pink glitter boots with ribbon, lace, and hand beading?! does it get more girly than that?!
she is soooo cute now when she takes her picture.  so much concentration to get it just right.
he has his moments (a lot of them actually) but when he's happy, he coos and giggles and smiles to no end.  my sweetest bipolar child ever.
spring is in the air... and closets.
honey swept the floor last night and then i wanted to mop today so i swept it again this morning... and got this much crap.  which i found amusing since last night all honey could say was "how do our floors get so dirty?!" (he doesn't sweep often).  i'm pretty positive it's because our cars get so nasty driving in the snow and then it melts on our garage floor and then gets in our house from there.  sick.
colorado weather really is something else.  it's just 66* and will be snowing in less than five hours.  typical.
i got instagram.  i am following no one, i have no followers myself, and i have posted exactly one picture... this one.  it doesn't even have a border or caption.  ps- baby girl wants to wear puffy dresses every day... my childhood is back to haunt me.
also wants to wear this hat every day.  still, best 25 cents ever spent.
"look at the camera and smile" got me this gem.  i think she knew she was sabotaging my picture.  she was smug about it.
have you ever seen a cuter hobo?  i haven't.
just an obligatory "tummy time" picture... so i can remember that one time i had brady spend time on his belly.  just kidding... i'm sure it's been more like four or five.

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