Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A good day

Today was a success. I got a shower before 10am, Abigail had an awesome time at playgroup school sassy girls club, we went to the library and got new books (we now have 95 items checked out), abigail ate lunch and had time for ten minutes of Thomas before nap, both kids napped at the same time so I had two and a half hours to myself to do laundry and cleaning, I did a million loads of laundry start to finish, Abigail and I read books together in bed again for almost two hours, Brady was pretty low key and napped alright, Abigail scarfed down her meatloaf and strawberries for dinner, and I had both kids asleep by ten (even if Brady did wake up again at ten thirty), and my teething baby stops grunting and fussing and just goes to sleep after I give him orajel! I even vacuumed my entire house! Seriously, this is major cause for celebration. Look at me! I'm awesome!

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