Thursday, April 25, 2013

an ulterior motive

i know i've said it a million times before, but brady could not have asked for a more adoring sister.  ever.  she is so sweet to him and tolerant of all the inconveniences of having a high maintenance baby brother.  she uses infant directed speech and constantly gives him kisses and hugs and tells him that she loves him (for the record, she has not ever not even one single time told me that she loves me... but brady and pooh bear get that luxury daily) and is willing to do anything that will count as service towards him like throwing away his diaper (she won't throw away her own anymore... just his) and bringing me his burp cloth or binky.  seriously, she is the most amazing big sister ever (except for my two.... love you liza and emmy!) in the whole universe.  so tonight he was hanging out on the floor when i turned around to see him surrounded by baby toys.  two minutes later baby girl came to me with this question...

"when brady gets bigger he can turn on thomas for me?"

and i said yes.

all this time i thought she was just being sweet... turns out she may have ulterior motives.

other notables from tonight:
"brady cries a LOT."  as we attempted to eat dinner while brady screamed in his swing every 5 seconds after his binky would fall out.

"don't throw it in the blocks!  i told you not to do that!" after she found brady's burp cloth in her big bin of legos.  and then she just kept telling me "i told you not to do that!" over and over again.  whoops.  i guess i made a mistake.

so we can conclude that abigail is only nice to brady because she wants him to grow up and turn on thomas for her (i can't blame her, i want him to grow up and kill spiders for me), this little boy is still very angry at life, and i discipline my child too much and she's ocd enough to call me out when i don't follow my own rules.  awesome.

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