Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sick and poop

today was rough.  sunday morning i woke up with a sore throat.  monday morning it was worse.  by monday night i was kind of dying.  then i finally got in bed around 11 and was able to soak up some sweet sleep.  for an hour.  not sure if it's the teething or if brady has what i have but he woke up a midnight, two, five, seven, and then for the day at 9:30.  baby girl woke up for the day at 8:15.  so between my multiple nightmares about our new beginnings program (in one of the dreams, i got there and had forgotten to make the banana muffins that were apparently oh so crucial to the refreshment table), the crazy full body aches, and then the alternating chills/sweats and that time i couldn't fall back asleep for 45 minutes?  i woke up feeling great.  or maybe i woke up feeling like death.  like i got beat up on the side of a road and a good samaritan never came for me.

so my day included wearing my down puffycoat constantly and spending as much time as possible in my bed with my electric blanket turned on high.  when i worked, i never called in sick.  like seriously never.  a few times i remember getting sent home for throwing up on the job, but i never called in sick.  at my nanny job interview in california they asked me how many sick days i took at my previous job and i didn't even understand the question.  they had to explain it to me before i answered that i never took any time off unless it was cleared in advance.  all day today i kept thinking to myself, "this is worthy of calling in sick.  i might die."

and we had our young womens new beginning program tonight (side note: HOLY COW why does it take so. many. hours. to plan something that lasts for 45 minutes?!  sooo much planning and prep and setup, etc.  so glad that it went well and is out of the way now!) and i had to be there because i was part of the program.  and that dream about forgetting to bring was i was supposed to for the refreshment table?  actually true (except it wasn't banana muffins) and i had to drag both kids to the store today in the cold rain so i could get stuff to make the treat.  i bet people thought i was a crappy mom for dressing myself in a puffy coat and fur boots while my kid was wearing a long sleeved tee.  glad no one asked about it because i probably would have yelled/croaked "I'M COLDER THAN I'VE EVER BEEN IN MY LIFE!!!  IF I OWNED A SNOW SUIT, I WOULD BE WEARING THAT RIGHT NOW TOO!"

anyways, it's 10:45 and somehow i survived.  all day i just kept thinking "thank goodness i'm not throwing up.  coughing, sneezing, sore throat, full body aches, and chills all suck... but thank goodness i'm not throwing up too.  especially because i felt too sick to eat anything... so that would have been a pain.

want to know my silver lining of the day?  it's about poop so if you don't like hearing about poop you should probably say goodbye now.

well when brady was down for his morning nap, i convinced baby girl to cuddle in bed with me and bring me books to read to her.  i had the electric blanket turned on high and if i wasn't too cold and didn't move then my body wouldn't hurt so bad (ohmyheavens i don't know if i've ever gotten the aches this bad in my life).  at one point i realized that baby girl hadn't gone potty in a long time so i sent her to the bathroom to do that and i crossed my fingers for the best (sometimes it's tricky for her when she's wearing her footie pj's) while i stayed in my warm bed.  i'm not sure what happened but she came back naked holding two pairs of wet underwear and telling me that TWO undies got wet.  seriously really confused about that.  so i told her to put those in the washer and go upstairs and get some clean undies.  she did that and came back just fine.  so then she's just hanging out in my bedroom talking to me while i'm still in bed, and she looks up at me and says all matter-of-fact...

"I'm gonna go get new Thomas undies cause I'm gonna poop in these."

you'll have to understand that for the last year or so of her life, she has pooped exclusively in a diaper, in her crib.  never ever ever poops around anyone.  never gonna poop at the park or costco or a friend's house or while she's playing with her toys.  n-e-v-e-r.  apparently she needs her privacy.  so i told her that poop goes in the potty and she should bring me another book.  then i thought to myself, she's pretty legit these days and i'm going to feel like an idiot if she actually poops in her underwear.

so then I dragged myself out of bed to accompany her to the bathroom. Sure enough, she just sat right on the potty and did her thing.

a picture of my sweet girl with her precious little poop nugget.  just kidding, it's a dark chocolate truffle*.

and then she told me she wanted a truffle and i happily obliged.  and then we called christopher at work so baby girl could share the great news.  the best part was just seeing how she was so proud of herself. it made my heart melt.

*did anyone actually believe that?  happy april fools... second.


ok said...

First, totally believed you. Second, YAY Abigail!!!!!

Diana C. said...

i believed it too! I thought you'd taken mommy sharing to a whole nother level!