Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I've never really thought Abigail and Brady look alike but I saw this picture and couldn't help but notice that they look nearly identical. So curious to see how they'll look as they get older. Having kids is like getting a present that you get to open a little but more each day.

And in case you were wondering... Brady was hanging out on the floor while Abigail wandered around the room with her shirt over her head. She went head first into the side of the door, lost her balance, and then stumbled and fell on poor, unsuspecting Brady's head. And then neither of them could calm down because they were both crying so loudly that it was upsetting the other. This happened on Monday while Chris was texting me to say "if our normal babysitters are busy, why don't we just bag it tonight and stay home?" I said no and found us a babysitter. ; ) And then I enjoyed our dinner and avs game date with his family. It was a great opportunity for me to miss my kids.

But really, don't you think they look pretty similar here?

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