Saturday, April 27, 2013

tummy time with a view

some pictures from saturday morning...

morning is brady's happiest time.  honey is never home to see it so when brady was so happy and laughing and smiling and my christopher just laid him in his crib and he went right to sleep... he couldn't get over it.  brady is a master jekyll and hyde.
i set him up with a view so he could watch dad and big sister building legos downstairs.
he enjoyed it thoroughly.
they made this road.  but of course it was actually called "tracks" and it was for trains.
and you better believe they all got a turn to puff through there!
baby simba.  kinda like this.
and then i had to kick it in gear to get ready for the temple.  our babysitter cancelled on us the day before because she got sick... and the six or seven other girls we called were unavailable.  i know i could have called at least 15 other options but i'm a little more particular now that i have a high maintenance baby.  and it would have been scary to leave him with a new babysitter while being completely inaccessible at the temple. my in laws were all going to the temple together since my brother in law, john, is leaving soon on his mission to argentina.  i told my christopher that if we couldn't find a babysitter then he should go to the temple because it's his family.  his exact response was "no you should go since you're always with the kids.  and it's your family too."  i love that guy.  i love him soooo much.  the temple was awesome and he brought the kids and met us all at texas roadhouse (ummm the company has a whole lot of credit for texas roadhouse since they buy a million dollars of gift cards for clients... if that makes sense) so we all got to hang out anyways... except for brady who slept in his carseat the whole time.  and then we went to the hilliers for games and hanging out until 10pm or something and the whole day was perfect.  start to finish just wonderful.  i'm related to some of my most very favorite people.

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