Thursday, April 18, 2013

brady at 4 months

happy four months, sweet brady!

i don't really have the motivation for this right now, but i'd rather just have it done than not do it at all sooo...

at four months, all of brady's sleepers are size 6 months (except two).  the 3 month sleepers are just too short.  the rest of his three month clothes fit perfectly which means he'll probably outgrow them any second.  and i started dressing him in 6 months onesies a few weeks ago and they're not enormous... they work just fine.  he's in a size 1 diaper during the day and size 2 at night.

about three weeks ago, brady's left eye cleared up so now he only has one blocked tear duct... although it's still really bad.  hopefully it clears up on its own eventually too.  he also has a flat spot on the right side of his head although it's not as bad as it was a month ago.  and his right arm sometimes acts unusual.  and he's still got the reflux.  boy's got a lot of issues.  maybe i'll have more info to add to this paragraph after his appointment tomorrow.  so, he's taking 1.1 mL of generic zantac twice a day, the flat spot on his head isn't of concern (we just make sure to turn his head when we can), we're hoping his right eye will clear up with time, and the doc checked out his arm and made a referral for physical therapy and neurology.  i expect to hear from the physical therapy people sometime next week and the neurology people within a week and a half.  i'll keep you posted.

brady is still a really crappy sleeper.  a few weeks ago he seemed to be really improving.  he took three solid naps (about 2 or 2.5 hours long) and went down without a problem.  and his night time sleep seemed to be getting better too.  but then it went downhill and it's just been ups and downs since then.  he frequently wakes at the 45 minute mark but will normally go back to sleep with a binky.  if it is his third nap of the day, the chances of him going back to sleep are significantly less.  and if you try to put him down to sleep for the night, he will totally fight you on it and then 100% for sure wake up 45 minutes later and flat out refuse to go to sleep.  the hours of 8pm to midnight are still the fussiest time so that's when i get my nightly workout in.  in those four hours, i go up and down our stairs at least 10-15 times... and that's not even on a bad night.  he wakes up for the day around 9 or 9:30.  so between the hours of midnight and 9am, he wakes up twice to nurse (often between 1:30 and 2:30 and again between 4:30 and 5:30).  i feed him for about five minutes on one side and put him back in his crib with a binky and he goes right to sleep.  maybe 2% of the time, i have to go back up a second time to put a binky back in, but those middle of the night wakings, he pretty much always goes right back to sleep.  he still naps well in his carseat, even if he frequently wakes up at the 45 minute mark.  it's pretty unpredictable.

for sleep, he gets double swaddled with his arms pinned down, and a binky.  he gets put down awake and actually doesn't get rocked or held before hand because it gets him more fussy and worked up.  although, like everything else, this changes some from day to day.  his happy wake time seems to be around an hour and a half although it depends on the time of day so i try to pay attention to his sleep cues when i can.

brady can sit in the bumbo for about five minutes before he starts sliding to one side and gets scared out of his mind and cries for someone to rescue him.  he also gets fussy if he's in the swing for more than 15 minutes and then you just have to lay him on a blanket on the floor and he'll be fine.

brady doesn't like to be cradled.  he prefers to be held upright, facing in or facing out... doesn't matter which.

the newest development is that he is really good at pulling his binky out of his mouth and replacing it with his fist.  ohhh the drool and wet fists.  if only he was equally good about placing the binky back in his mouth... then we would all get a little (or a lot) more peace and quiet around these parts.  we have binkies strategically stashed around the house so that one is always nearby and easy to locate when needed.  clear binky on the changing table, yellow binky in the crib, red binky in the pocket of his swing downstairs, clear binky in his carseat, blue binky in pocket in my purse.  it's a good system so far.

brady loves the light/dislikes the dark.  you'd think a tired baby would be calmed by a dark or dimmed room... not this kid.  it's like the sign to him that he's going to be put down for nap and he goes into a panic.  if he's having a hard time settling down for his nap or at bedtime, sometimes i have to get him out of his crib and just walk around upstairs a little for him to calm down.  as soon as we leave the dark room and go to where there is more light, his whole body relaxes.  same in the morning when he wakes up.  i know he's awake because he'll cry but if i just go in and turn on the light and say good morning, it'll buy me at least five or ten minutes (while i go get abigail up and dressed).

everyone still comments on his super long eyelashes.  i'm seriously going to be so happy when his one eye isn't always so goopy.  his eyes are blue but much darker than abigail's.   christopher and abigail and brady all have blue eyes but they are all so different from one another.  since they're pretty dark, i wonder if they'll change colors.  we'll see.

brady definitely cries and fusses a lot but it is also so easy to get a smile out of him too.  if he's just hanging out, simple eye contact and a smile will make him grin so big, his binky (if he has one) will for sure fall out.  so as much as i make comments about how difficult he is, he's actually a really happy baby much of the time! happy ≠ easy but it's still awesome that he can be so happy!

brady has been left with a number of babysitters so far... both grandmas and a few of the young women in the ward (haley, kayla, lauren, and maria).

3.20.13 - 3 month appointment
12 lbs 5 ounces  12.88%
23.5 inches  18.48%
hc 39.5 cm  18.71%

4.19.13 - 4 month appointment
13 lbs  8.01%
25.25 inches  52.45%
hc 40.7 cm  22.84%

i'm sure there's got to be plenty of things i'm forgetting right now but really the only truly important things are that brady is happy and healthy and that i love him to pieces.  

*pictures to be added later... maybe

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