here's another 20 picture post... with commentary.
what a smiley kid. |
i had a text conversation with weed where i demonstrated one use for these two stickers. then i gave them to baby girl when she woke up from her nap. and what do you know but she did the same thing! |
and then this happened. |
we had a conversation about where stickers go (on paper, on your hand, on your shirt) and where stickers don't go (on the kitchen floor, on the furniture, on the wall) and baby girl asked if stickers can go on brady. i said yes thinking it would go on his sleeper. nope... apparently she meant head. |
i asked her the other day who her best friend was. she said pooh bear. and elle. "pooh bear and elle" made me laugh. so cute. |
he's such a good sport. and baby girl loves that she can "play" with him. every day (all day long) she asks me if he's bigger now. it's precious. |
"let's make thomas and percy!" |
have you ever tried to sculpt thomas the train out of purple play dough using only your left hand because you're also holding your baby? it's very challenging. here's my thomas (with annie and clarabel) and he specifically has two funnels... just like baby girl requested. i still need to google if trains can even have more than one funnel. |
rolling a ball on the table is easier to do with only one hand. i made this little snowman with hat. sadly, i couldn't add a face (with one hand) without knocking him over. but baby girl was okay with that. |
abigail gave brady this very hungry caterpillar to hold. once again, she was thrilled to see him playing with a toy. |
the ugly duckling of baby carrots. one of these things is not like the other... |
i've had my phone for exactly five months. and i've talked on it two days. i feel like that's pretty good. it's probably because i mostly text. |
honey dressed brady in this outfit. for next time, let's remember that if he's not wearing a onesie underneath, his pants will slide off while the rest of him slips through his shirt. he was very naked about 30 seconds after this picture was taken. |
abigail is a follower (like myself) and i love it. she's so easygoing and although she'll stand up for herself when necessary, she's super accommodating. this morning she asked my honey if she could watch thomas. he said he wanted to watch mickey mouse. she said she wanted to watch thomas. so he said "i really want to watch mickey mouse with you. can we watch mickey mouse together?" and she said yes. it was adorable and totally typical of how she is with her friends. |
i sat brady down to take a picture or two and all he could do was yawn. so i put him down in his crib and he took an epic nap of almost 3.5 hours. |
trying to finish off our french dip leftovers, i realized we're actually out of meat. so i made a carrot sandwich. and it was delish. |
baby girl's favorite thing to request for any meal is "something else." she doesn't like to eat the same thing ever. so i'll offer her apples and she'll throw a fit because she already ate apples (like three days ago). i gave her pecans (leftover spinach strawberry salad) along with her cottage cheese and she was happy as a clam. |
during the epic nap, i went upstairs to check that my kid was still alive and was confused to find his binky balanced on top of his face. but then he moved and it moved with him and i realized it was embedded in his cheek. |
see the mark on his face? i wonder how long it had been stuck there. |
and then she stuffed her face with as much seaweed as she could beg from my honey. girl loves that seaweed. and then she held it up and made some comment like "i'm holding it on the window, guys!" guys?! we died laughing. |
i'm having a blast today with my little ordinary life.
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