Wednesday, April 24, 2013

hosting playgroup

the day so far... in pictures.

good job brady!  
i woke up and fed him and brought him downstairs to hang out while i pumped the other side.  i knew he  was going to spit up any second so i grabbed this bib that i could just pull over his head real quick.  and somehow he managed to spit up inside of the neck of the bib.  he's got a knack for spitting up on everything.
i was making my bed this morning and discovered...
our camera.  i hid it there yesterday so abigail wouldn't be tempted to use it to take pictures.  well, thanks to having a huge king bed, i can just add it to the list of things that have slept in our bed with us (tv remote, glasses, and cell phones being the most common).
happy... and blurry.
just looking at that smile, you wouldn't know what a hellion this kid has been.  he's just so sweet in the mornings.  and then it all goes downhill from there.  ; )
being a psychology major, i've always been really interested in nature vs. nurture (what we're taught vs. natural instincts) and this morning, i came to the conclusion that girls going to the bathroom in groups... is nature.  we must be born with it because when one said she had to go to the bathroom, they all flocked right behind her.  and somehow knew to stand around making small talk while she went potty.  seriously.
for our activity, i gave them cherrios and ribbons (to thread) so they could make bracelets.  they succeeded in order of age... with my kid definitely being the worst.  although i think her ribbon was a little flimsier, making it more challenging to thread.  she didn't mind though... she just ate a whole lot of cherrios.

and then she started doing this, enthusiastically telling her friends, "i'm flossing!!!"
girls love having their picture taken.  and then they all clamor "i wanna see!  i wanna see!"
this lasted all of two second before everyone ate all the cherrios off and then wanted their soggy ribbon removed.
my second instagram picture ever.  (i'm crarrie, just in case you want to follow both of my pictures!)  leave me a comment or text me your user name so i can follow you!  i am currently following exactly one person.
abigail didn't wait long to eat the few cherrios on her bracelet.
the jumping game again
one thing about this kid is super predictable... first he burps, then the second one is spitup.  so i had this blanket all ready for the spitup that i knew was about to come.  so then he turned his head to the side and it went straight down from his chin to his hip and onto my belly and then my pants.   
i can't beat him.  i'm just covered in baby vomit.  all. day. long.
she put together this outfit and then danced in front of the mirror to celebrate her good fashion sense.
this guy is kicking my trash in words with friends (i just started that two days ago and i think i'm already over it) but i pulled this little move together and... am still 100 points behind.  i think he uses a cheat.  i should not be losing that bad.
 anyone want to come over and hold my baby for me?  my days are start to finish terrible back pain.  my body is going to break in half i swear.  let this kid learn to walk or crawl or SELF-SOOTHE already!  or we can just start collecting donations for chiropractor visits...


Diana C. said...

that post was awesome! I feel like I was there throughout the day just without being able to help you! Sorry about hte back pain! No fun at all! Love you!

Lyndel said...

I love this post. Especially the picture of the girls chatting away in the bathroom. First of many of those I'm sure.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry little guy is so difficult for you! It does give me hope that I may have a child like baby girl someday. If you have one of each, so can I, right??? Maybe it's just boy vs girl thing?