Wednesday, March 7, 2012

girl time

with the exception of my husband and choosing someone to marry... i 99% prefer to spend my time with girls.  yesterday i did just that.  i never see honey in the morning and of course my day is spent entirely with baby girl, who is very aptly named.  yesterday though, my mother in law and sister in law, kelsey, came over for our monthly quilting session.  i quilt now.  twelve times a year in fact (nevermind that this was only our second time ever), and that makes me domestic.  pick your chin up off the floor, i know i'm impressive.  anyways, we quilted (and ate large quantities of freshly baked cinnamon rolls kelsey brought) from 9 30 to 1 30.  if you weren't already aware, quilting is extremely tedious and time consuming.  anyways, i took pictures.

two important things to note are that while baby girl was in my mother in law's arms, she pointed to her and said "grandma" for the first time ever.  "grandpa"?  she's had that mastered since 2011... but grandma is new.  she's been holding out on me but what can you do but just embrace it when it comes?!  the second thing is that baby girl knows who kelsey is.  like would point to her when asked.  she's a smart girl that one.

after they left, baby got lunch and nap... i got lunch, reading time, and although fighting so hard not to take a nap, finally gave in at 4 15 and was still sleeping when honey got home at 5 and probably didn't get out of bed til closer to 6.  it actually worked out kinda perfectly because we had a girls night planned for seven and let me tell you, i was fresh and awake clear til after midnight.  normally i have young womens on tuesday night... but due to the democratic caucuses, it was cancelled.  what's the point of those though when there's only one person racing in the race?!  

anyways, girls night was amazing and i love my life.  

the end.

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