Wednesday, March 21, 2012

yesterday's pictures

i have no idea what i've been doing this week.  seriously, i spend most days bored, but unmotivated to do anything to change it, and i haven't really had anything that i need to do errand wise but i've been staying away from playdates because every time baby threw up i always thought it was the last (hasn't been since sunday night!  woohoo!) and really, she's just been sensitive and clingy and back and forth between screaming tantrums and snuggling with her head on my shoulder.  she hasn't played with her toys in almost a week and it's weird that they're never out and i don't have to clean them up... ever.  anyways, all of that is to say that i'm bored and boring and haven't even really taken pictures... because what's there to even take pictures of?!  (good thing my dad doesn't read this blog.  he would be totally bothered that i just ended that with a preposition.  i'm sure he would also be extremely bothered by my blatant misuse of capital letters, punctuation, and made up words like "gonna.")  

so here are some pictures from yesterday.  since baby has lost interest in all toys, playing has been mostly dress up and pretend with all of my kitchen stuff.  and her sick days seem to have turned her into a tv junkie.  but we'll save thinking about that dilemma for another day.

the pink snow boots.  the only pair of her shoes that she can put on herself over her footie pjs.
and my flats work great over footies too

baby walked round and round and round and just all over the first floor of our house.  even though chris and i don't wear shoes on the carpet (because goodness knows it's bad enough), i let baby girl wear my shoes all over because it was making her happy.  the funny part though was that when i went to check on her i found that she had gone to play in her tent.  but not without taking off her shoes first.  precious.
hi there!
i loooove the view out our kitchen.  does anyone know when they start putting cows out to graze?   i can't wait!
and i'm not sure why but baby girl has random started to gnaw on things.  not often at all but tonight she was intent to bite through our remote.  where did this come from?  so random.
 hopefully tomorrow will be more fun.  we're going to the park with friends.  yeay for warm weather!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Look in her mouth. I bet you anything she's teething again.