Friday, March 2, 2012


this morning i woke up at 8 40 to a text from my first counselor chelsey saying something along the lines of "boss, wake up.  we need to g chat about something."  well we ended up talking on the phone and as soon as i got off at 9 30, i heard baby girl talking up in her crib.  so i got dressed and made her oatmeal and a few other things.  at 10 10, i decided maybe i should go up and check on her since it was getting late into the morning and i was anxious to play with her.  i peeked in her room without her seeing me and saw her half way through attempting to take off her fleece snowman sleeper.  grunting and everything... she was really into it.  so i decided to give her a few more minutes to accomplish this goal of hers.  

ten minutes later i went up to check on her again... sleeper fully off and now she was sitting down trying to pull off her tights (we layer her at night because we're cheap and we turn our thermostat down really low when we go to sleep) still huffing and puffing with exertion.  i decided to give her more minutes.

finally, 10 or 15 minutes later i heard her cry out for me and i grabbed my camera and went in to get her.  what a precious little girl.

she likes to overturn her laundry hamper from inside her crib.

and then she threw her pj's overboard.

along with her blanket

not sure why but she's been doing this thing lately where as soon as you walk in the room to get her, she starts  excitedly throwing everything out of her crib.  blanket, sippy, stuffed animals... everything.  i have no idea why.  she sure cracks me up.

ps- one random night several weeks ago we got up from reading books in the glider to put her in bed and she pointed to the brown and pink polka dot blanket draped over the back of the glider and requested to have it. and she's been sleeping with it for every nap and bedtime since then.  so carolyn, YOU WIN!  my child finally picked a special blanket/lovey/whatever and it was yours!  your prize will shortly be coming in the mail!* 

*just kidding... we both know there's no prize and that i avoid the post office like the plague.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hunter is the same way. After every nap and night all of Hunter's things are tossed over board onto the floor. Blankies, stuffed elephant, binky, socks. You name it, it's outta the bed on the floor.