Friday, March 16, 2012

shorts and sandals weather

mother, thank you again for sending those precious baby tevas.  turns out the timing/sizing is just right because we don't have any summertime sandals or shoes yet for baby girl.  so today i dressed her in a skirt and babylegs and boots but after spending two seconds outside we knew that'd be too hot.  back upstairs to put on shorts and thank goodness.... some sandals!  they're perfect!

baby slide
baby swing
flushed cheeks
big kid swing
too bad i couldn't get a picture of when we were both hanging out on this bench.  mother daughter bonding at it's finest.  i felt cool by association.

i have no idea where she got it from, but my baby is fearless when it comes to slides.  she climbs right on up there, doesn't wait for me, and just slides down on her own while shouting "WOOOAAAAHHHHH!!!!" and then she runs and does it all again.  and again.  and again.  she'll do it on baby slides, tall slides, bumpy slides, twisty slides... you name it.

i can't even tell you how many times she went down this giant blue slide.  i wish i'd thought to get a video of it.

you can't really tell but it's a gigantic playset and this slide is TALL.
and she stayed upright every time!  best record yet!
i talked to my adorable grandparents this morning and they said it's in the 80's in georgia.  that's probably a little too warm for me until the pool opens up, but today was just perfect and we were absolutely loving it!


ok said...

It's warm here too... and we have a lake. Want to bring baby to swim?

Lyndel said...

It's in the 80s, but no humidity yet, so still comfortable enough to be outside without suffocating on the air.