Thursday, March 1, 2012

ringing in the new day

tonight we had a presidency meeting from 8 30 to 12 30.  i seriously thought this meeting would be shorter than the last since the only thing we had to discuss was the girls.  turns out, going down the list of 26 girls takes four hours.

so i think it's pretty safe to say that we all came home to husbands passed out in bed without us.  let's hope our future meetings don't all last until after midnight.


Diana C. said...

This sounds so familiar! That happened to me when I was RSP. I always thought that we could make them shorter from time to time, but it never happened. Our meetings were always between 3-5 hrs long. I really came to love them. I loved my presidency. I hope you do to!

Cherie said...

Just leaving a comment for you since comments make you smile! :) As always, I have loved reading your posts. You always make me laugh! In other news, I noticed on FB tonight that we "liked" the same photo of a 3rd party I didn't know you knew. I'm guessing maybe they're in your ward? Brent and Britta Christensen? Brent's brother Lance is our brother in-law (he's married to Jared's sister Kelsey). Brent is a funny funny guy! Anyway, hope you're loving it there. We are saying LOTS of prayers that we get to return to Parker after this year in CT. I'm not kidding. Daily prayers we want to go back so badly. Hope the stars will align and we'll be able to! P.S. Baby girl is adorable as always!