Monday, March 12, 2012

epic catch up pity party post

wednesday - cold.  story time at the library.

thursday - went through all the trouble of showering and getting dressed and fed only to get out of the house by..... after 11.  hmm, need to work on that.  young women visits until 1.  lunch, nap.  honey got home at 7 20 so i could go to book club at 7 30.  woohoo!  it's been several months since i've been to book club.  and even though i didn't read the book (battle hymn of the tiger mother), i read some articles/reviews and had a good time discussing it with the other girls.  it's a memoir of a chinese mother in the states, trying to raise her two daughters the chinese way.  pretty extreme parenting but i think some of the concepts are really great.  i kept thinking of "i can do hard things."

friday - two weeks ago my thrifty cousin marianne let me know that chickfila was giving away free breakfasts in the denver area.  instead of just signing up and calling it good, i sent the info out to some girls in the ward and told them what day/time i was signing up.  sooo, this morning we all had a party at chick fil a!  it was a lot of fun and super delicious.  sadly, no pictures.  on my way home i stopped by to see one of my laurels.  she does online classes so i don't have to worry about waiting until after she gets out of school for the day or anything.  she went on a walk with baby girl and me around her neighborhood and to her playground.  the weather was incredible!  went home for lunch and nap.  i finished reading bossypants.  and then promptly fell asleep.  i figured it wouldn't be a big deal because it was already close to 4 30 and baby would wake up pretty soon anyways.  and maybe i set my alarm... but if i did, i definitely slept through it.  anyways, baby and i both woke up at 6 30ish... about the time honey texted saying he'd be home in 20 mins.  well... what a great guy he is, because when he heard i had no food for us and no exciting friday night plans he suggested that we use our texas roadhouse giftcard.  wonderful!  except that after a million peanuts and several rolls smothered in honey butter, i was nauseous before my full rack of ribs even came.  regardless, it was a really fun family date.

saturday - woke up to gorgeous sunny weather with a forecast of highs in the low 70's.  perfect, right?  we decided we needed to go on a family bike ride to the park and then i jumped in the shower.  by the time i got out i wasn't feeling too good.  i looked at least six months pregnant and it felt like my stomach was going to blow out of my bellybutton.  i got dressed and did my hair but needed to lay down and take a break before putting on any makeup.  well, i didn't get back up.  i told honey to go ahead and take baby girl to the park while i rest in bed.  and my stomach only got worse.  he played with her, fed her lunch, and put her down for nap.  i didn't move.  i cancelled our babysitter for that night, anticipating that i wouldn't be feeling well enough for adult session of stake conference.  i napped for a few hours while baby was asleep but woke up feeling crappier than before.  at 3:30, honey had to leave for his priesthood session of stake conference and then was going to stay straight through the adult session and come home at 9pm.  i prayed our baby would just magically not wake up from nap.  at 3:45, i finally got out of bed to go to the bathroom.  bad move.  without being graphic... it was really graphic.  bad bad bad.  like that one scene out of sixth sense with the girl and the oatmeal.  that movie still haunts me.  anyways, after my body gave up ten pounds of fluids and i'd broken out in a cold sweat from head to toe, i staggered back to bed and texted chris to please join my efforts in praying that our baby slept til at least 8 30pm.  he was skeptical.  rightfully so because she woke up at her usual time... five on the dot actually.  i literally crawled upstairs, laid on the floor by her crib.  got on my knees to pull her out, laid on the floor some more and then convinced her to come downstairs to watch the elmo video that now i see i was inspired to check out at the library on wednesday.  i turn it on for her and, what else but lay in bed.  45 mins later, baby comes to tell me the show ended.  i stopped by the bathroom for more unpleasantries (while baby repeatedly said "uh oh" and stuffed tons of toilet paper in the toilet) and then dragged myself in to the great room, pressed play again and laid on the sofa to watch elmo with baby girl.

and that's where honey found us when he came home around 7.  "it's dark in here!" he said.  to which i replied, "well, the sun set but i couldn't get off of the sofa to turn the lights on."  and then he said, "does baby need to eat?" to which i replied, "yes, and i never changed her diaper when she woke up either."  five gold stars for me for being mom and wife of the year.  neglecting my child and having my husband skip the adult session of stake conference so he could come home and take care of baby for and me.  and for the record... i didn't leave my reclining position on the sofa until several hours later at 9 30 when it was time to go to bed.  uuuuugggggghhhhhhh, i think the worst part of it all was that it made me frightened to get pregnant again.  looooooved being pregnant and looooooove my baby but oh heavens please don't make me go through that first trimester and recovery from labor again.  i'm a wuss, i know it'll be harder this second time through because unlike so many other mothers, i don't feel like i forgot.

anyways... then i managed to sleep until 2 and then spent the remaining six hours in that annoying airplane state of sleep where you're simultaneously awake but having the same annoyingly bad dream on repeat every 4 minutes.  and i was so thirsty but couldn't get up to get a drink and had a headache but couldn't get up to get drugs.  getting up --> stomach pains --> vomit.  always best to be in a horizontal position until you're more sure of yourself.

and then sunday happened.  i had been pretty for sure saturday that i had some sort of food poisoning since we were just out to eat the night before... but then i started doubting myself.  i guess word spreads fast because i'd only told two people i was sick (babysitter's mom and my first counselor, chelsey) and my christopher said he had several people asking how i was doing when he was at church saturday night for stake conference.  one of the members of our bishopric asked him how i was feeling and said his family had all gotten a 24 hour bug that week and that i should be careful around abigail in case i was contagious... so after sleeping on that all night, i woke up sunday thinking it would be pretty stupid of me to attempt church.  and that was that.  the story of how i turned into one of those people that magically "wasn't feeling well stake conference weekend."  ha.  are you one of those people?  if so, i am simultaneously judging you and still loving you.  anyways, the whole day was spent being super lazy because even though i was feeling better i was still in that recovery mode where you're really achey and weak and lightheaded and you feel nauseaus and exhausted like you're about to pass out every time you stand up or walk more than ten feet.

and now it's monday.  i accidentally slept in til after 9:30 and then baby didn't even call out for me to get her until after 10.  it was slow moving getting us dressed and fed but i made it happen.  we got out of the house at a whopping fifteen minutes after NOON.  yikes.  went to walmart and told baby at least 18 times, "let's just hurry and get the stuff on our list before your mommy barfs all over the place."  that was about the time she started crying... it's all clear now!  anyways, she was being a big of a terror so she got a binky for the last few minutes of shopping.  at home she was a terror times ten.  seriously?!  where did that come from?!  it was like she forgot how to talk or ask for things or just communicate in general.  and now it's nap time.  thank goodness.  it honestly doesn't happen often but today was just one of those days that i was so grateful for nap time because i just really needed a break.  actually, i just really needed to have a pleasant evening with a happy, well rested child... and nap time was the way to go about achieving that.

and now i'm about to fold some laundry that just got done drying and now we're completely up to date on all of the i'm-sure-you-don't-care-about-or-need-to-know-any-of-this-crap-about-my-weekend sort of stuff.


1 comment:

Marianne said...

hope you are feeling better and glad you got your chick-fil-a in!