Monday, March 5, 2012

glorious park day

the forecast for today said sunny with highs in the 70's.  so of course we had to make the most of it.  last night i'd considered emailing the girls in the ward and organizing a park play date but i chickened out for fear of commitment.  we struggle to get out of the house before 10 or 10 30 and i didn't want to stress about getting us up and ready in time.  i would have had to set my alarm and possibly wake baby up and i just wasn't willing to devote that much to a park playdate.  so i slept in, woke up with the sun on my face, hopped on facebook, saw my friend jill's status update about heading to the park and naturally, invited myself and my baby.

it worked out great, she texted the park and what time she'd be there and we met up and had a grand old time.  halfway through, i started taking pictures.  and over 100 shots later, we were spent.

sooo, here are some pictures from our trip to the park this morning.  you can go ahead and thank me for the 70+ pictures i didn't post.  ;-)  

my favorite pictures are pointing ones

already a little worn out

resting for a bit

such a big kid.  it tears at my heart to see how she looks at the older children.

more worn out

another favorite pointing picture!

loved loved loooooved this slide

why hello there!

ignore that the focus of this picture seems to be baby's crotch

love the smile.  and those eye lashes.

chivalry is not dead.  baby could do the whole slide process by herself but this little boy kept wanting to help her climb up.

that same little boy kept talking to baby and i don't know if he was speaking another language or if it was gibberish but baby couldn't understand him and she shot him this look.  it was pretty funny.

noticing her shadow

experimenting with her shadow

and then finally just checking it out.  i love her ponytail shadow.

speaking of shadows... playgrounds are the hardest place ever to take pictures .

because you always end up with these terrible shadows

this one made me laugh.  most of the time she stayed upright... sometimes not so much.

glamour shot left

glamour shot right.  lookin' good baby girl.

ps- holy cow the park was PACKED!  every mom and kid came out of the woodwork today to soak up the sun.  baby girl liked seeing the kids but still, the dogs are her favorite.  can't get enough of 'em.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Are you going to post a video about how Baby Girl acts when Daddy comes home??? I hope so! :)