Monday, March 19, 2012

a long sick day

today has been long.

honey was up puking every 30 minutes last night.
7:30am this morning i went to bishop youth committee meeting and then headed back home.  couldn't take baby to church because she'd been puking.  couldn't leave her home with honey because he was still puking.
i was so sad to miss church.  first because i absolutely love it.  second because of course today was the day that practically all of our young women were there!  and literally half of the leaders were home with sick kids.
it was almost 70 degrees out today but there were 20mph winds so we couldn't go out to play.  i took baby in the yard for about 30 seconds before i got too afraid the wind would blow her up on the neighbors roof or something.
i took a much needed nap.  that was nice.  i'm in a bad cycle again staying up way too late.
baby girl was whiny and clingy all day.  i discovered i have almost zero patience for this.  i'm not used to an unpleasant child!
i was soooo happy for bedtime.  got baby in bed and finally started in on the young women stuff i had to work on.
11pm i heard baby crying.  opened the door to the scent of... you guessed it!  vomit!  all over baby girl, the crib, blankets, sheets, you name it...
i was sooo happy though that there was none in her hair (she hates baths and getting her hair washed) and none on the crib bumper since i hadn't put it back in the crib yet!  can you say "tender mercies" because i'm pretty sure that's what elder bednar was talking about.
stripped baby and the bed.  got her redressed and had her sit in the glider with some books while i got everything cleaned up and new sheets and stuff in the crib.
as i finished that up, baby puked all over herself, her books, and the glider.  i was not prepared for that.  i had a wipe on me but pretty much was just attempting to catch vomit with my bare hands.  moral: doesn't work.  don't try it.
restripped and dressed baby, cleaned the books and glider, rocked baby (ohhh she was soooo snuggly.  i was in heaven!) and put her down with a binky.
11:45pm started another giant load of pink laundry.
1:15am  crossing my fingers my honey and my baby feel better soon!

1 comment:

kara said...

Oh Carrie! I'm so sorry. I hope she is feeling better. That is so yucky and miserable for everyone! When my kids were throw up sick I thought I would never see sunshine and rainbows EVER AGAIN. I hope it's getting better! Tomorrow is always better!