Monday, March 26, 2012

two sundays

we have 9 to 12 church.  when you have a toddler, this is just fantastic because we have time to wake up and eat breakfast and then go to church for three hours, eat lunch at a normal time, and then have nap time from 1-4.  this is infinitely better than 1-4 church.  1-4 church is right during nap time AND it just kinda eats up your whole sunday.  having 9-12 church makes it feel like two sundays because you go to church and do that whole thing and then when you get home you have 12 more hours until you go to sleep (if your bedtime is midnight like mine may be).  i was telling this to one of my laurels when i was hanging out with her after church yesterday.  she texted me four hours later to say "i get what you mean about having two sundays.  it allll makes sense now.  i have gotten so much done and i feel like there's so much extra time."  yup!  if there was any doubt before, it is gone now.  i know i'm right because staci said so.

so you tell me, would you have been able to pack in this much stuff with anything but 9-12 church?  i attest there is just no way.

7:30 bishopric meeting
9-12 church
1:00 lunch and nap
3:00 playtime (blast those ongoing short naps!)
4:30 bbq dinner with bri and kelsey!
6:00 youth baptism
8:00 home taught
11:30 lights out

words can't express how much i love sundays.  they're positively magical.


For the Love of French said...

Unless you are like me and you realize at the end of the day that you only fed your daughter twice because she wakes up right at the time to leave for 9am church, and then we have to feed her breakfast at church, and then it is nap time when she gets home and she sleeps for 2 to 3 hours, and then she gets her lunch, then choir, then home and bottle and bed....

Carrie said...

oh yes, we've done that a few too many times too (y'know, like the entire months of january and february) but we're all getting better with practice. abigail is getting better at eating first thing in the morning and staying awake until after lunch and we're getting better about remembering to feed her. ;-) i'm glad we're in good company on this one.