Thursday, October 14, 2010


i have tons of fun and exciting and hilarious things to post about.  but you get none of it.  at least not tonight because i am far too lazy and sweating my eyeballs out and i have a headache and i'm hungry again and i'm bored out of my mind because all i do is sit around and wish that my baby was awake to play with me.

so that brings me to what i'm actually going to write about which is that i fear i may have screwed up my child's sleeping habits.  yes, i realize this probably sounds way more boring to you than even to me and i'm okay with that.  not 100% but definitely at least 60%.

my honey and i have a good marriage but let me tell you, if you happen not to already know, he's not a talker.  i'm a talker.  he's almost a mute.  it wasn't always like that but it's been like that for a long time.  sometimes i can occupy myself for a whole 30 minutes just trying to think of something i to say that could trick him into conversation.  sometimes i try a few of those ideas out.  when they don't work, sometimes i just have the conversation with him in my head.  i can make him say whatever i want to.  he never forgets to say please or thank you or "you're the most gorgeous wife in the entire world" when we're talking in my head.  --yes, i realize i sound psychotic.  i majored in psychology so i would know.  i can spot those types of people.--  one time i shuffled a deck of cards for a full seven minutes or so because he was talking to me about something and i didn't want him to stop.  i can't remember what he was talking about... i know it wasn't anything terribly interesting, but i just loved listening to him talk.  it's like how i love watching myself type.  i LOVE typing.  that's one of my main motivators for this blog.  the great sara snow also blogs because she loves to watch herself type.  i know this is the case because she wrote it in her blog description and sara snow would never lie.  she's the most angelic person on earth.  aside from honey's paternal grandmother that is.  her name is virginia and i love her to death.  so much so that i was wanting to name our child after her but i'm not really a huge fan of the name virginia and her other name is belva and we just weren't gonna go there.

anyways, honey doesn't really say a whole lot in general but i can always count on him saying "let's go wake our baby up" at least 30 times a day.  maybe not a whole 30.  i'd say 7 or 8 is more realistic.  so it's not just me that sits around and waits for our baby to wake up.  although he's normally more productive with his time (out of necessity) than i am.  y'know how people tell you to never wake a sleeping baby?  well i wake my sleeping baby.  all. the. time.

she loves sleeping and she loves her crib.  at night i'll sometimes rock her to help ease my anxiety that i feel when i put her to sleep.  well, sometimes (like tonight!) she'll lay contentedly in my arms but most of the time she starts thrashing her head from side to side and kicking a lot and getting worked up.  i lay her in her crib and it's like a sigh of relief like "thanks for finally putting me down, now maybe i'll get some rest around here" and she's calm again.  she's always been like that.  she's just a kid that loves sleep.  she'll wake up for a while and if i don't get in there fast enough then she'll just go back to sleep.  more than once this past weekend, my blogging sister told me, "i'm going to go get abby, she's awake."  and then she'd come back two minutes later and tell me she'd already fallen back asleep.  yup.  that's how my baby works.

and for the record, i'm giving up trying to act like i have an average kid.  i'm just gonna go ahead and say it.  i have an angel baby and you'll never know the half of it unless you're me.  so i'm going to stop being so vague and discreet (TIME OUT:  honey JUST walked in the door "how'd you like your movie?  time to go wake up baby girl?" uhh i really wasn't exaggerating... just in case you thought i was) when i say anything about her.  my whole book club knows, all of the biz kids moms, most of the girls in the ward, and close friends and family i keep in touch with on the phone.  i tried, but is there any point hiding it anymore? 

did i mention it's hotter than hades in here?  i'm seriously sweating a river.  it's like a sauna.  maybe that's a good thing since my blinders are coming off and every day i'm seeing more and more just how pregnant i still look.  okay.  so honey's home now.  i'm going to eat something and try to stop sweating and get ready for bed and wish my headache would go away.  i keep getting them... every night.  i've never had nightly headaches before.

but oh yeah, the point of the post was just to say that we wake our baby up because we miss her and want to play with her and i'm afraid we're going to undo her amazing sleeping habits.  there i go being vague again.  i'll spare you the specifics just this one last time so you won't come trying to trade kids with me.  i wouldn't put it past you...


Anonymous said...

So cute. Y'all are way too funny. And I believe that you guys did make and OVER average baby....she does sound angelic =)

Sara said...

Hahaha! As I read the line, "I LOVE typing," I was thinking, "Hey, I love typing! And then there I was, on your blog! :)

You do have a pretty cute baby. I'd want to wake her up, too, if I were you.

Also, you might want to get your baby checked for narcolepsy. Maybe she got it from her uncle. :/

Karen said...

you are one lucky lady. ive always wondered why you are so energetic on your blog, it's because you are getting sleep!!! i get slim to none with my newborn lately. count your lucky stars

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure that's the exact opposite of dave and me. He's the talker, and I'm the listener. although i start talking up a storm when i get sleepy. maybe you just have to figure out what trigger's chris's chatty side.