Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My bag

Lately baby girl has taken to carrying her trains around the house using this handy pink bag that came with her baby doll pack n play set.

She still loves to take those self portraits.

We're learning hat the Thomas picture sometimes goes on your bum and how undies feel better when they aren't backwards.

Ps- I'm so glad yesterday was so awesome because the first half of today was so so difficult. Overwhelmed with anger and guilt and so much yelling at my sweet baby girl. The day kept getting better and y'know what helped the most? Getting in bed and watching that one talk from president uchtdorf. You know the one. Happiness, your heritage. That man speaks to my soul. And makes me cry. Every single time. He really saved the day.

1 comment:

ok said...

I was wondering if you had seen these...


PS, that little bum. Gets me every time! Love your skinny little babies!