Thursday, January 3, 2013

A health conscious dessert

Just kidding. You should know better than that. Tonight mother and I made creme brûlée for the first time ever. It was just what we needed after a day of fighting a newborn that won't nap.

ps- it was this recipe from pioneer woman.  i find it hard to go wrong with that lady.

and just to help you pretend like you were there... here's a million more pictures from our night.

stirring the "milk" with grandma

and in case you were thinking things were looking too rosy to match up with that post from the other day, here's some real life for you.

she's crying?  oh what a surprise!  just kidding... yesterday was actually a really good day for her.
won't sleep without being held, rocket, and binkied? wondeful! i can do that for you!

oh look... you're still sad!  cute, but sad.

eggs and egg whites!  tomorrow: angel food cake!

and guess who i'm still holding...

our recipe was kinda large (yes, we knew that going into it) so we filled our tiny ramekins an then these two dishes as well. and maybe one more...

she is seriously the cutest thing i've ever laid eyes on.  even when she's crying. but especially when she's happy.
i should mention that my mom did 99% of the making...

because if you thought i was exaggerating about this guy needing to constantly be held... you were wrong.
this was the one i did.  it's hard on top but not very brown.  i was worried about melting the custard underneath. and we don't have superfine bakers sugar like pioneer woman.
mom did a better job with hers.

of course.
 and they were all delicious and the best part is that we still have a whoooole lot left to eat!

i'll be back up to my pregnancy weight in no time!*  that's the goal right?

*but seriously, this recipe has 4 cups of heavy whipping cream in it and if you're not familiar with those nutrition facts i'll burst your happy bubble and have you know that one single tablespoon has 6 grams of fat.  and google tells me there are 16 tablespoons in a cup.  do the math.  there is a very likely chance i'll be consuming at least 100 grams of fat in the next 24 hours from creme brulee alone...  this is my favorite dessert ever.


Bryan and Carolyn Turnage said...

did you like the recipe you made?? i'm always in search of a good recipe! p.s. is it sad that I communicate with you more through comments on your blog then through phone calls or texting??

ok said...

Not that I think Chris looks like a crying two year old girl, but seriously, Abigail looks SO much like her dad in these pictures! I can really see it! (Maybe it's because the crying face hides the Maycock nose.)