Wednesday, January 16, 2013

a rollercoaster and zantac

i really am beginning to hate the blogger app.  not enough though that i'm not still thrilled i can blog from my phone.

i think if i don't write down my day, i have no clue that it even happened.  i know this because i'd written half a post on my phone last night and already i have no clue what i even wrote about.  it is a vague distant memory.

yesterday morning with baby girl and brady was somewhat challenging as usual.  but i was able to hold brady while helping baby girl use the potty (she went at 10, 11, 12, and i guess i forgot to keep pushing the egg nog because by 2 she still didn't need to go and went down for a nap instead) and we were doing alright.

a nurse from brady's doctor's office called to say that his heel poke results from forever ago came back normal and asked if i needed anything else.  why yes i do.  i need to schedule an appointment because i have a grumpy baby (not my actual words).  and by the sweet goodness of the heavens above my doctor actually had an appointment at 2:20!  she's normally booked so far out in advance this was nothing short of a minor miracle.  BOOK IT!  i yelled into the phone.  just kidding.  but i did book it and texted honey to let him know.

he thoughtfully texted back and offered to come work from home so that i wouldn't have to take baby girl to the appointment with us, forcing her to miss her nap.  bless you husband of mine that would be superb.  so he said he'd be home at 2 in time for me to leave.  i didn't know how life saving that would be until 1:50 rolled around and i had two crying kids (one stark naked), a disaster of a home, nasty ponytail hair/no makeup/yoga pants and spit up shirt, and i was sure there was no way possible i was going to survive the migraine that had me almost in tears.  life was not looking up.  life was looking very very very down.  migraines will do that to you.  zap you of your will to live.  and the sad part?  i didn't even have time to pop a pill.  that's how hectic this situation was.

so thank goodness my honey got home (i'd told him i would have baby girl down for nap so he could just work.  ha.  i mean, she'll be running naked when you walk in the door) and i somehow put in contacts (still no makeup) and threw my hair back in a high bun that i hoped looked more artsy than "i haven't showered yet today."  yes, no makeup and a high bun.  i was definitely going for the natural, artsy, granola look.  whatever, at least my clothes were clean.  brady and i were out the door and even though my head was about to burst i was happy we were going to be on time.

when the doctor came in and asked me to explain the situation i seriously was afraid to talk lest i start crying and she turn her concerns to "depressed mom is wearing no makeup and seems to not have showered in days" because how convincing would i be to tell her i just have a migraine from my crying children?  i took a deep breath and said a quick prayer and somehow i was able to forget my migraine and not be on the verge of tears and i was able to tell her all of the wonderful details about brady's eating, sleeping, napping, waketime, pooping, spitup, and everything else habits.  we came home with a prescription of zantac and some eye drops.  and now we just have to play the waiting game and see if he gets any better.

brady fell asleep in his carseat on the way home and stayed asleep forever.  like until 6 10.  i got in a shower and was able to do my hair and makeup and feed him real quick before heading to young womens since our meeting time changed this year to 6 30.  i brought him with me as an experiment because evening is his roughest time and i had wanted my christopher to be able to help abigail use the potty and focus on her without stressing about a colicky baby.  (ended up not even being a point because apparently she woke up and told honey she wanted a diaper and he gave in to her tantrum although i stripped her when i got home and she went in the potty for me)  and because of my rough ten minutes earlier that day i was feeling particularly sensitive to him not experiencing a similar situation.  anyways, brady did great at yw (it was so fun.  we made little hot chocolate jars like this  with hot chocolate mix, marshmallows, and peppermints and dropped them off to people in our ward) and just woke up for a little bit but was fine with a binky and settled back to sleep.  for as difficult as he is in any other situation, that boy is golden in his carseat and i love him for it.

and so then when i got home, honey fell asleep on the sofa, i hung out with a naked baby girl and brady didn't wake up until it was time to feed him before bed, totally bipassing his normal witching hours.  it turned out to be a pretty fabulous day.  woohoo!

1 comment:

ok said...

ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh. The necklace and the tiny little purple panties?!? I am DYING. She has the cutest bum!!!