Wednesday, January 9, 2013

shake your sillies and other videos

here's a video from last night.  it's a song they sing at story time at the library and baby girl always goes crazy dancing to it.  so i thought i'd try it at home and see if she went crazy if i sang it.  we had a good time.

and these are from the day after christmas.

ps- that last video really sums up the whole first two weeks of my life with two kids.  now it involves a lot more crying from kid number two.  but i'll spare you a video of that mess and you can thank me later.


ok said...

Ohmygosh seriously I'm dying over this. Abigail and her grocery shopping KILL me! She is so funny! And Brady is just a little doll! I love seeing him awake. It's funny that even in videos I can see what you're talking about with Brady's eyes, how it's like he's taking everything in all the time, for the first time. I just love your kids!

Diana C. said...

Love the shake your sillies out! Super cute. hope I can meet Brady sometime!