Monday, January 21, 2013

boy undies

i can't believe it's been an entire week since i randomly decided "hey!  let's go downstairs and potty train you, baby girl!"  it's been going really well.  i ended up not going as hardcore as what i'd planned to back in the day.  because i knew i wanted to do the three day method (ever since i'd researched things 6 or 8 months ago), but i knew baby girl would still spend a lot of time in diapers since she's probably going to stay in a crib for a good while longer.  that's 12-13 hours at night and 3-4 for nap.  so doing the "oh no!  you outgrew your diapers!" thing wasn't going to work for us.  but i didn't want to wait any longer to potty train because so many people say it only gets harder the longer you wait (after a certain age) because kids get more opinionated and it can become a power struggle.  

well it started out great but then baby girl turned into a bipolar potty trainer.  sometimes it was like she loved going potty and she'd sit on there and say "i wanna keep trying" when it would take a while to come.  but then other times (like whenever she woke up in the morning or from a nap), it was like she'd forgotten that she likes to go potty and she would throw a tantrum because she didn't want undies and she wanted to wear a bear diaper.  so i'd take off her dirty diaper and tell her we'd put on her new diaper downstairs (meanwhile she was just commando under her pj's) and when i got downstairs, i'd stick the diaper in a drawer and when she got down there would be no mention of it.  she'd completely forget and then she'd sit on the potty like i asked her to.  

this morning i braced myself for the diaper/undies struggle and y'know what?  i walked into the room and the first thing she said was "i wanna go potty!"  ha.  way to keep me on my toes baby girl!  and in case you were wondering about all of those previous diaper tantrums... here's proof... in a drawer.

that's a lot of tantrums
so today after the park we went to target.  i'd gotten a sweater on clearance last week and got it home only to realize that even though it was really cheap, i really didn't love it and probably wouldn't ever really wear it.  so, inspired by my lawyer friend sarah's closet cleanse, i returned it.  my closet is already cluttered with too much stuff i don't wear.

but since we were already there and had time to kill and baby girl was doing great and brady was asleep... we decided to take a stroll around.  i was looking at baby onesies when baby girl pointed in the distance and said "i wanna see thomas!"  knowing there was no way she knew where the toy section of target was, i was curious what she was pointing at so i asked her to show me where.  umm she wanted this thomas swim shirt.

but tell me how on earth she saw it because we were standing by this white wall when she initially saw it.  like i seriously didn't even know it was possible to see a three inch thomas from that far away.  amazing.

earlier in the day i'd gotten a text from honey saying he'd be getting home from work early and that we should do something fun.  when he said "early" i was thinking 4:30 or 5.  but here we were at 12:37 getting a text from honey saying he'd be home in 15 minutes!  man!  so we headed to the toddler underwear section and i let baby girl pick out some underwear (i'd already gotten her some but obviously it was less cool than her bear diapers and i needed to spark more enthusiasm in this girl!).  can you guess which underwear she picked?  thomas!  i pulled them out of the package so she could see the designs to make sure that's really what she wanted.  and she was so excited she had to hold the pair with harvey and luke... all the way until we got home!

colorado is the sunniest place ever.  being a mile high helps too i think.

ha, she'd been trying to put on her underwear the whole way home.  

like took off her shoes and was trying to put on her undies over her leggings/skirt while still buckled in her carseat.

and when we got home she was so excited to take off her diaper, go potty, and pick some new undies to try on. 

i think she tried on three pairs before she finally settled on...

and she was sooo excited that christopher was home early.

we played hockey on the driveway

and baby girl took more pictures of herself.

i love going back in my camera roll and seeing 30+ new pictures of my lovely little girl.

and check it out!  brady is awake!  and not being held!  and happy!  yeay!
and then honey put baby girl down for nap while i fed brady.  and we watched duck dynasty (have you watched this yet?  i'm loving it.  and i have my awesome friend chelsey to thank for getting me hooked) and then i kept honey company while he washed my car.  it had about twelve layers of filth on it and i suggested "we should wash our cars!" but honey's car was pretty clean so i said "well, we should at least wash my car!" and we both know what that means.  "we" = "you" so i filled up a bucket with sudsy water and was in charge of rinsing the car with water.  and then honey put a freezer meal in the oven and we watched more duck dynasty and it turns out that i had pretty low expectations for today (mondays can be like that) and mlk just totally knocked it out of the park.

and baby girl woke up from her nap so excited to wear her thomas undies again.  and now keeps saying "thomas don't like to get wet."  (should a 2.5 year old be better with tenses and conjugations by now?  when does that verbal milestone happen?)

life is good.

1 comment:

ok said...

Okay so a couple of things. First I am SO PROUD of you for taking that sweater back! Seriously I have learned that you have to calculate cost per wear and even if you got it on sale but don't love it and won't wear it then it's not a good deal. So YAY for you!!! Second, I am still dying over Abigail's hair. It is the cutest little hairdo EVER! Third, I crack up that Abigail wears little boy undies underneath her incredibly girly frilly skirt and leggings! She is such a funny girl! And fourth, I love that Brady is so happy now! It's definitely the Zantac then right? He was just having some acid reflux problems? I'm so glad it's under control now! And even though Colorado doesn't celebrate MLK like they should I'm glad you had a great day all the same! Sorry for the novel, love you!