Monday, January 21, 2013

MLK day

growing up in atlanta, i learned to take mlk day very seriously.  it's a holiday gosh darn it!  and we're going to celebrate it!

last night honey was taking out the trash when he asked me "is the trash coming tomorrow?" and i assured him it shouldn't and wouldn't because of mlk day.  "well everyone else on our street has theirs out so i'm going to finish taking it out anyways."  the trash truck came at one.  is that normal?!  i'm remembering now that i was surprised last year when it came too.  it's funny how some things you don't remember until it happens a second time.

this morning i decided we all might die if we stayed home one more day so i packed up the kids and rushed to the library for storytime... we would be 15 minutes late but oh well.  ummm, this is how add i am.  remember how it's mlk day and the library is closed?!  so we went to the park and target instead.  it felt so good to get out.  and it was a confidence booster that i can leave my house with two kids!  easy as pie.  now i just need to always remember to bring a bottle for brady.  it could have been disastrous had i attempted to nurse him while chasing baby girl around a crowded park...

what a beautiful view to wake up to, no?  like a tiny little baby cocoon burrito concoction.

we've had this bib forever and somehow i just now noticed it has a train on it. i'll have to point this out to baby girl next meal.

i'm still in love that she swings on her belly.  it looks so lazy-day-at-the-lake to me.  not a care in the world.

this swing thing made her giggle and smile and laugh and it was so infectious i couldn't help but giggle and smile and laugh too.

and then she was kinda over the park so i asked her if she wanted to go to target and she was amazingly on board for that.  like couldn't stop talking about it til we got there.  ha.

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