Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Two weeks old

If I went as far past my due date with Brady as I did with Abigail, I'd still be pregnant right now. Granted, I'd be in labor, but still, I'd be pregnant. It's crazy to me that I got gipped out of two whole weeks of being pregnant.

In other news, we finally ran out of hospital diapers so my two week stint of having two kids in pampers is over and will likely never happen again due to my cheapness and love of luvs.

Also, Brady got his first real bath tonight and hated it every bit as much as his previous one in the hospital.

Mom and I took baby girl and Brady to Walmart today for our first real outing. Brady slept the entire time so the biggest inconvenience was that his carseats took up my whole basket. Tips on grocery shopping with an infant in carseat and toddler needing to be contained?

How many times today did you come in contact with three of your child's bodily fluids? Because I lost count and eventually took a shower.

And tell me what it is about cleavage being a magnet for baby vomit? It doesn't matter if I'm burping him, nursing him, or down the street from him, Brady will somehow always manage to get his vomit down my cleavage. I swear I'd trade out my low scoop neck shirts for turtlenecks if they were equally easy to nurse in.

And that Walmart trip? We got there by 9:30 this morning! I can honestly say that has never happened to me before. Although I did plan to give Abigail a banana in the car for breakfast in the car and forgot. Do I still get credit for leaving he house so early when I forget to feed myself and my toddler breakfast? Say yes.

And last night was my first time not staying up til midnight on New Year's Eve. I don't regret it one single bit.

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