Thursday, January 17, 2013


today has not been perfect although i'm so pleased with it i think i couldn't be happier even if it was.  that was terribly poorly written.  does anyone even understand what i was trying to say?  don't judge me lawyer sarah.  my dad is a lawyer too.  he tried, i tried, we all tried.  my english is still poor.

first, brady has been awesome.  this could be his happiest day of life ever.  in all of his four weeks and two days of existence.  i really couldn't tell you if this is fast acting zantac, a placebo effect, or a coincidence although i will say that last night was also his best night yet.  he went to sleep around 10:30 and then woke up at 2:40, and 5:50 and then for the day at 8:40.  if you've had an awesome sleeper child like baby girl was, you will scoff at this.  4h, 3h, and less than 3h?  terrible!  but i tell you, i am one grateful person and so very thankful to my sweet boy.  yesterday he slept in til 8:30 too.  all of the days before that, he decided that 7-7:30 would be his wake time.  so 8:30 is awesome.  this is a big deal people.

and here's the thing, normally i get him up and feed him and spend the next six hours doing a dance with him of feeding, holding, trying to put him down, he wakes up, feeds, bounces, blah blah blah. it's a juggling act.  and it involves a lot of crying.  usually on the part of both kids, often at once.  today was different though.  i fed him and since he seemed drowsy after about 35 minutes of being awake, i put him in his carseat and miracle of miracles!  he stayed asleep in there!  for hours!  i heard him stirring around noon so i got him up and fed him and gave him his medicines and stuff and put him back in the carseat (don't judge me, i know he lives in there) and we went on a walk to  our neighborhood playground.  he woke up twice while we were there but a 30 second stroll was enough to soothe him back to sleep.  didn't even need a binky.  and when we got home i just let him keep sleeping in his carseat and he didn't wake up until he'd been asleep for over 3 hours.  so i fed him again and hung out with him and ummm now i'm having trouble getting him to sleep or be happy.  but honestly, evenings are his fussiest time of day so that's to be somewhat expected since it's almost 5:00 right now.  but he's just fussing and that's not terrible.  also, he's had more and more moments of calmness today.  where he's not grunting or squirming or goaning or arching his back... he's just a calm and wide eyed newborn and it's amazing!  i forgot babies can be calm and quiet like that!  words can not describe the joy i feel when i look at a content little brady boy.  it's so hard to see him uncomfortable all the time and it feels amazing to see him happy!

other awesomeness from today includes
turning on the monitor this morning to see baby girl buck naked in her crib.
baby girl successfully being naked/wearing undies/using the potty this morning between the hours of 9:30 and 2:30, including that trip to the park.
my mother in law coming over to hang out.  we had both planned on her holding and bouncing and soothing a fussy brady but he pleasantly surprised us all.
by the way, she brought us a 15 year old baby swing to try out.  it's either not very good, broken, or i don't know how to use it.  all are so very likely.  i'm hoping to pick up a craigslist one tonight.

and now i should probably go.  baby girl has been playing in her crib for at least 50 minutes and i'm watching her take off her pj's.  also, have i mentioned that lately she's taken to calling us mom and dad.  makes me smile every time.

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