Friday, January 25, 2013

"a perfect day"

that's the phrase that keeps coming to mind.  have you ever read that book?  we just returned it to the library the other day.

last night i put brady to bed at 10.  he didn't wake up til 5:05.  seven hours!  that's his longest stretch yet, knocking his previous four and a half hour PR out of the park.  after eating a few minutes he went right back to sleep without a peep and didn't wake up til 4 hours later around 9:15 or something.  maybe there is hope for him and his sleeping habits!

around 9, i finally decided to pump because i knew i had way more milk than what he was going to eat for breakfast (ended up being 10 ounces so good call on that) and bottle fed him (he only ate his usual 3.5 ounces) when he woke up a few minutes later.  i got him bathed and dressed and got abigail out of her crib (every day i am so grateful that she really loves hanging out in there so much.  it's a lifesaver that i can just get her out whenever i feel like it) and bathed and then we were all headed downstairs.

we've gone a complete 180 with baby girl and diapers because on our way downstairs (to use the potty and get our thomas underwear!) i grabbed a few diapers for brady from his room.  well, they look just like some of baby girl's because they're luvs and she FREAKED OUT.  remember how i mentioned how it's been the norm for her to throw a tantrum wanting a diaper so i would carry her diaper downstairs for her and then hide it in that drawer?  well, i guess she thought i was doing the same thing this morning because cue the meltdown: "i don't want a diaper!  i want my thomas undies!!!"  ha.  that's one tantrum i really didn't mind witnessing and she calmed down once she got the message that those were brady's diapers and were being carried down to my bedroom.

so then baby girl went potty while i gave brady his zantac and eye drops and she came running in two minutes later exclaiming "i want my marshmallows!!!" which always makes me smile.  so much joy from getting the opportunity to hand my precious girl two well earned mini marshmallows.  then brady went down for nap without a peep and i put in a load of laundry and baby girl and i made eggs for breakfast and she ate everything and had good manners and asked for extra toast (and how cute was it when i looked over later - i was doing dishes by that point - and saw her breaking off little pieces of her bread, which she calls toast, and dipping it in her milk before gobbling it up?!) and since then i've just been doing laundry and getting stuff done while she enjoys some thomas and i'm just soaking up the good life.

what a wonderfully perfect morning.

1 comment:

ok said...

Love little Brady boy! His hair is so dark, such a change from Abigail's hair. I wonder if it will lighten up!