Wednesday, October 3, 2012

a political post

who's pumped for the debate tonight?!  i have mixed feelings.  i think it'll be like watching a sports event but without a numerical score.  when it gets close, i'm going to be tense and watching through my fingers while my hands are covering my face.  i don't deal well with contention.  also, the sight and sound of obama makes me cringe in a very real and physical sort of way.  i truly wish i didn't dislike him so much because he is our president.  and probably will be for another four years.  heaven help us.

anyways, just earlier this morning i was thinking about how sad it was that even though the debate tonight will be like 30 minutes away from me, it might as well be on the other side of the world because i'm not going.  apparently none of the tickets were opened up to the public so everyone in attendance was hand picked to be there but don't quote me on that because i get my facts from facebook statuses.  i DO know one person that will be there though...

see that precious little blonde girl in front?  that is my dear neighbor and little beehive president.  this is the most adult 13 year old i've ever met in my life.  like, when i'm around her, i get super nervous about if what i'm wearing/saying is okay and appropriate.  i don't even get that way around her dad and he's in the stake presidency.  anyways, i guess these four kids won an essay contest (about why they wanted to attend the debate) and had in depth interviews with their teacher and school principle in order to qualify.  pretty awesome if you ask me.  maybe i'll invite myself to their house tonight to watch the debate since my christopher is out of town.  is it just me or are political debates kinda like the bachelorette?  they're just not that much fun without the commentary of a good friend.

ps- mitt (or "mittens" as i affectionately refer to him) gives me the warm fuzzies.  did anyone else see this thing about the doctored news clip?  msnbc trying to make mitt look like an attention whore when in all actuality he was just trying to deflect attention from himself and onto his vp.  what's not to love?

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