Friday, October 5, 2012

and now it's winter

i posted yesterday about what a gorgeous fall day it was.  and then last night it snowed.  baby girl slept in super late (she has been waking up between 8 and 9 for the last two weeks though!) so i didn't get out of bed in time to see it.  there was a little ice still left in the shade of my front yard but mostly i just went off of pictures that my friends posted on facebook of their front yards (tarin, yours was excellent!).  it's been in the 30's all day so to celebrate, baby girl anld i have stayed in our pj's (well, sweats for me) all day and hanging around the house.

when i woke up, our house was 60 degrees.  sadly, i still haven't turned on the heat yet.  because i am stubborn.  and cheap.  but it was freezing when i got out of bed this morning.  and when i went upstairs to get baby out of her crib... well, she was naked except that she kept her diaper on.  since she was in footie pj's for the first time in 6+ months, i guess she thought it'd be fun to unzip them and take them off.

how appropriate that last night i deemed it cold enough for baby to wear fleece footies (instead of her normal cotton, 2 piece pj's) and chose the one with snowmen on it.  because i'm sure she just felt the excitement in her bones that she got to ring in our first snow while wearing her snowman pj's.

we checked out a book from the library earlier this week (if i'm honest, we have about 45 items checked out from the library - just kidding it's exactly 50... i got curious and just checked online) called "white" and it tells a story and highlights things that are white (mittens, snow, bunny, milk, marshmallows, ice) as it tells about two kids and their step dad going ice skating and making hot chocolate.  well, baby girl is really in to telling me that marshmallows are white.  clouds are white.  snow is white.  and on and on.  at least i know she's learning from it, right?

i think it might be time to break out our electric blanket.  my honey groaned last night when i told him that but i think it's just because he knows i love that thing almost as much as i love him and baby girl.  and milk.  "milk is white."

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