Wednesday, October 10, 2012

more about baby girl

baby girl is having a rough couple of days.  i say couple of days because that's how many it's been so far.  hold me if it turns into couple of weeks, months, or years.

so in honor of my angel baby turned horrific terror, let's highlight some more wonderful things she does...

she calls butterflies, "diaperflies" and last night when i tried to emphasize to her again that it's BUTTER-flies, i realized that i would much rather live my life without butterflies than without actual butter.  i also think i would choose butter over diapers but that's kinda a hard call because i don't know how the logistics of that would all go down.

she pronounces most things correctly although another thing she says frequently, but pronounces totally wrong is "stroller" which is pronouned more like "stee-you."

we read together at least one or two hours a day.  i knew we read a lot but yesterday evening when i got her up from nap i looked at my watch to time how long we were reading.  it was a full 50 minutes and we wouldn't have even stopped except that i told her we should go downstairs so we could welcome daddy when he walked in the door.

she still refers to milk in a little cup as "baby milk."

she loves pointing out things that have dots.  the blanket she sleeps with is solid pink on one side and brown with pink dots on the other side.  and when you put her to bed, she'll let you know if she wants the pink side up or if she wants dots.

i'm pretty sure her hair hasn't grown in over six months.  i looked at a picture from earlier this spring and she still looks the exact same.  same face, same hair, same clothes, same number of teeth.  it's like she's frozen in time.

she has new dance moves these days.  not just the scarecrow rock (body in mid jumping jack and just sawing side to side) but a whole slew of random, body spaz moves.  last night i was sitting in the glider and she was sitting on the ottoman facing me.  she kept asking me to sing so i kept singing "i love to see the temple" over and over and honestly i was singing through my laughing because she had some sort of strange head roll, shoulder, arm thing going on and it was the strangest "i love to see the temple" dance i've ever witnessed.  even baby girl was laughing because i was laughing.  sooo wish i'd had my camera nearby for that one.

each thomas video has several short episodes unrelated to one another.  after she'd watched all of them several times i got to thinking that maybe i should skip over the halloween episode (flour power) because it could seem scary to her.  well, i never got around to it and honestly, it was all worry over nothing because she requests that episode all the time now.  it's actually the only episode she ever requests but it's still fun to hear her tell me she wants to watch "thomas yucky."

baby girl also likes to request bananas.  which sounds more like "baaaannnnnnas."  although actually i'm really not sure how you would phoneticize the way she says it.  it makes me think of a rubberband being snapped because it's so subtle and it just kinda fades.  it makes me smile every time.

what doesn't make me smile though?  the face that i put her down for nap over an hour ago and she's STILL AWAKE.  settle down little child and go to sleep.  although it is so very tempting to go get her up and then just have us both go to bed insanely early tonight...  tempting even though i'm sure it would backfire on me...

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ok said...