Saturday, October 20, 2012

red barn fall festival

first, i just have to start this post with my favorite story from this morning...

a few weeks ago, my mother in law sent an email to us kids in the area informing us about a fall festival going on at this barn across the street from their neighborhood.  she forwarded us the actual informational email.  it had a picture of the barn and windmill and then listed the times and all of the activities and everything.  i immediately knew where it was (you drive by it on parker road every time you go up that way and it's seriously right across the street from the entrance to my in law's neighborhood.

so this morning i'm talking to honey about it and said something like "well, we'll be up by parker and arapahoe anyways because of that barn fall festival thing this afternoon" to which he replied "what?!  no we won't.  we won't be anywhere near there.  that thing is just right by us on the other side of parker road."  and then we got into a semi long discussion about it with him being [in my opinion] overconfident and condescending because he assured me that he knew exactly what 17 mile house was and it wasn't by his parents'.  so i went back and checked the email and then googled the literal address and showed it to him on google maps.  then i showed him the picture of the red barn from the email.  and basically, just pieced it together like i would for a foreigner visiting from out of the country.  i can't remember if he said anything (probably not) but we pretty much just silently agreed that i was right.

so then we're pulling out of our neighborhood to go to this thing and he asks which way to turn.  you know where you're taking us?  (says the guy who's lived here pretty much since he was single digits old.)  "yeah, just go like you're going to your parents house and you can't miss it.  so then as we pass by it on parker road (it's seriously so obvious) he insists that he's never seen that barn before in his life!  what?!  how can you miss it?!  and really, you've probably seen that barn literally ten thousand times because your parents have lived in this neighborhood across the street from it for the past TWENTY YEARS!  i found it to be so hilarious that i'm still laughing.  another funny thing about it?  my christopher's brother (who's my age) was there too and he insisted the same thing.  said he'd never noticed it before.  my mother in law and i got a good laugh out of that too and just reassured ourselves that it was a really good thing that they're so skilled in so many other areas.

and in case you're tempted to side with the boys and say, "well maybe it just isn't that noticeable" then i'll add this picture of the view of the barn as you drive by.

it's not super easy to miss.

anyways... moving on.  here are some picture from our fall festival fun.  petting zoo, pumpkin patch, hayrides, bluegrass music, hot chocolate, and "a milking cow."  ha.

also, in case you were wondering about the most unflattering angle to be photographed at 30 weeks pregnant...  i found it.

it is the one that makes the distance from your love handles to your belly button look at least as far as a half marathon. 

also, i am doubting my friendship with stripes.

in other news, baby girl enjoyed a nutritious lunch of fry sauce and ketchup.  

she supplemented that lunch with french fries, onion rings, chocolate milkshake, and frozen custard.  and a few bites each of hamburger and hotdog.  

1 comment:

Diana C. said...

ummmm that story about about the barn is hilarious. I can imagine that scenario happening to my brother. I find the blinders that men use are very strong.... amazing.

ps. your baby is adorable ( i almost wanted to say adorbs... but I've forbidden myself from abbreviating words cause its absolutely ridiculous to do! :)