Thursday, October 11, 2012

an evening at the park

this is what we did wednesday evening.  and even though i took four videos (one won't upload), i somehow didn't manage to get her talking about the diaperflies on her shirt.  maybe if i remember tomorrow i'll try to take one video with just a bunch of random stuff that she says.  y'know... if she's up for humoring me.


Sara said...


ok said...

Immense happiness and joy. She is so adorable and dainty and sweet and you are SUCH a good mom to her! I cracked up when she backed away from the bug like it was a huge poisonous snake. Tooooo cute!!!!! And I am SO EXCITED for diaperflies. She is just precious! I think one of my favorite things is how she says "yeah." Sometimes it's almost like a "shjyeah." Hahahah! Love this sweet precious little girl! She is growing up SO fast.

Lydia said...

i love her little red nose =)