Tuesday, October 23, 2012

are videos supposed to be this difficult?!

FOR THE LOVE!  why is blogger so finicky when it comes to uploading my videos?!

sometimes i can try forever and be unsuccessful and then try 12 hours later and it's super quick and has no problems at all.  or sometimes (like tonight) it will upload some videos just fine but other ones, no matter how many times i try, are just a no go.


there were supposed to be four videos.  except that the first one and the third one won't upload.


Unknown said...

I always always always upload my videos to youtube and then embed them into my post and I have never had a problem.

ok said...

The first one DOES say diaperfly!!!!!!!!!!!! OHHHHHHHHHHHH be still my heart!!!!!!!!! She is seriously the cutest kid on the PLANET.