Sunday, October 28, 2012

where'd it come from?

welcome to the show!  it's time for another episode of "where'd it come from" with your host, .... just kidding.  i'll stop with the game show pretending.

as we were about to leave for church (we now have church at 10:20!) i decided to snap a quick photo of baby girl.  she was all decked out for some fun with friends at nursery.  as i watched her during sacrament meeting i was feeling especially grateful for friends and family that have contributed to baby girl's wardrobe.  as i've mentioned, i rarely need to buy her anything because of the generosity of loved ones.  

in case you didn't know... you're not a real blogger unless you do OOTD posts.  that's short for "outfit of the day" for those not in the know.  normally it's like "sunglasses: marc jacobs" and "infinity scarf: michael kors" and "my super trendy cognac color riding boots: tory burch - for a mere $495!"  just kidding on the last one.  kinda.

anyways, here's our own version... baby edition.

white bow: aunt keen
red pea coat: jodi
dress and shoes: tracie
tights: sarah
undershirt and bloomers (not pictured): tracie
diaper (not pictured): we actually bought that

yes it's nice to save some money and dress my kid entirely in hand me downs, but really, i just love love love looking at my child and seeing her clothes as a constant reminder that we have so many people that love us and take care of us.  it's amazing.

apparently, it takes a village...

to dress my child.

1 comment:

ok said...

Could she POSSIBLY be any cuter?!?! Oh my gosh!