Thursday, October 11, 2012

29 weeks

How far along:  29 weeks  (10.11.12)
Total weight gain/loss: +19.5  
Maternity clothes:  i like them.  although my belly is getting big enough that my shirts all ride up which is kinda awkward.  so even though they're definitely long enough, i have to make sure they're pulled down all the way, lest ALL of the material from the shirt bunch up above my bump and leave me exposed to a draft underneath.
Sleep:  it's not incredible but it's still pretty good.  i've had some weird dreams this week.  
Best moment this week:  i'd have to say that obama throwdown last week was pretty good.  just kidding.  the best this week has got to go to wearing sweats and drinking hot chocolate all of conference weekend and just spending a lot of time with my christopher and baby girl.
Movement:  it's not as often as before... like right now i'm sitting down but he's just kicking, not going crazy.  last night i was in bed really early though and killing time online until i got tired enough to fall asleep and HOLY COW it's like he wanted to get the heck out of there.  so violent and painful!  especially super low.  it makes me squirm now just thinking about it.  it was so intense and it lasted forever.  yikes baby boy... calm down!!!  also, when my stomach gets hard and lopsided it is still 100% always on the right side that my bulge appears.  i soooo wish i could see inside my belly to watch what goes on in there!
Food cravings:  oh heavens the moment i've been waiting for has finally arrived!!!  i finally found egg nog at walmart this week and after several months of craving it (pregnancy cravings for strictly seasonal items is mighty inconvenient), i've gotta say that it really really really hit the spot!  now if only it wasn't so expensive and so fattening!  i'm thinking as long as i've got egg nog in my fridge, i'll have no problem at all packing on the pounds this last trimester.  other than that, i really enjoy food while i'm eating it but it's not like i'm thinking about it all the time.  or if i am, i want it right now.  like right now i could really go for a grilled chicken pasta of sorts with a creamy sauce (lemon, garlic, pesto... who cares!) but i'm too lazy to make it so i'll probably just end up ignoring it until i want something easier like a banana with nutella or something.  sweets are still awesome though.  cookies especially.  two times this week i had my homemade version of cafe rio pork salad and it was to die for.  mine was twice as big as my christopher's and i ate it all.  even after his "holy cow, are you really going to eat all of that?!" comment.  i'm glad i don't get offended by his almost-fat-joke-quality-comments.
Gender:  BOY!  i keep seeing boys playing together when i take abigail to the playground and ummm... they really don't make me excited to have a boy.  why are boys so rough and crude?!  and why do they bully each other even when they're friends and they're just playing?!  don't get me wrong, i've always known i wanted a boy (two actually.  and three girls too... just since we're taking requests here) but the actual logistics of raising one are not as pleasant to me.  crossing my fingers this kid is sweet.  and that he'll be surrounded by equally sweet little boy friends.  the more i see of boys age 4-7 (or actually 4 til whenever they get married), the more hesitant i am.  wish me luck.
What I miss:  definitely is that abigail can't comfortably fit on my lap.  i really really really miss this.  she can sit on my lap but she's just so far away and it's awkward and really i just feel like i can't get a good close snuggle with this giant bump in the way.
Milestones:   this is my last week before hitting the big three zero.  things are going fast!  my wonderful mother is even buying her ticket out here for when this little baby is born.  i asked her if five months was two long to stay.  i really love my mom.  add "my mother" to that list of what i miss.  even though it's not pregnancy related at all...
Theme: the week of it's cold so i must be getting closer!  this week it got really cold... like all day saturday it was 34 degrees and last friday it even snowed!  and we got flurries saturday too.  since this'll be a christmas baby, i judge how close i am based on the weather.  hot = baby is far away.  cold = we're getting closer to meeting this little bundle!
Extra:  i've been mostly happy this week.  which is excellent since my christopher has been traveling more and baby girl took a terrible turn for the worse.  the weather has been nice though and i've been staying busy with friends and playdates and errands and cleaning and stuff.  i keep losing my temper with baby girl but not that i get so upset i'm crying.  i feel bad for baby girl that i lose my temper and yell so much because i used to NEVER do that.  like i looked it up last night and i had it written down.  the first time i lost my temper and yelled at her was mid april, about a week before i got a positive pregnancy test.  hopefully soon i can go back to being a better mom again.  this weighs on my conscience something fierce.  it is really necessary to yell "it already has peanut butter on it!!!" to a cranky crying two year old?  probably not but it didn't stop me last night.  there is nothing that can truly compare you for "mom guilt."  the guilt you feel yelling at your child and the guilt you feel eating fistfuls of candy corn while pregnant.  okay... moving on... this is making me too sad.
i don't know that i've ever experienced restless leg syndrome but christopher has described it to me countless times because he experiences far too often.  anyways, my back has been aching some lately and two nights ago it was like i had restless leg syndrome in my lower back.  like a creepy crawly unsettled sort of feeling.  i tried to have christopher massage it out but he was doing a crappy job because he was half asleep and anxious not to be awake anymore (with good reason... he needed to wake up at 3am to go to wyoming so he knew he would only be getting a few hours of sleep) and it was so uncomfortable.  weirdest feeling ever.
i got the inevitable and long awaited "fat talk" from my sweet grandmother.  i called papa on saturday to wish him happy birthday and talked to grandmother after for a little bit too.  of course she asked how we were all doing and how pregnancy was going and not so casually asked/commented "you're not gaining a lot of weight are you?" ha.  i assured her that it was healthy to gain weight and that my weight gain was right on track with what the doctor ordered.  she just kept commenting though "you don't want a big baby.  so and so had a big baby.  over 8 lbs."  to which i told her that was a good healthy size and that abigail was also over 8 lbs and blah blah blah.  i wouldn't say i was teasing her but it was kinda fun to tell her that my doctor asked that i try to gain at least 30 lbs.  she audibly gasped when i told her that.  she also told me that it's really hard to lose the weight after (i didn't have a problem with it at all... it just took five months to disappear) and that i should be careful not to gain it in the first place.  oh granny, you're so precious.  somehow both of my grandmothers ended up being terribly prejudice against fat and fat people.  for granny this is especially ironic because she makes you feel like hansel and gretel any time you visit.  constantly trying to get you to eat more.  "you need a good healthy serving of chicken!"  yes, granny.  because a large portion of seconds of fried chicken is definitely "healthy."  she cracks me up.
i'm still eating eggs for breakfast every morning and drinking a lot of milk.  i went to costco and picked up eight gallons of milk and five dozen eggs.  among other things.  like flax seed.  i decided that consuming flax seed while i'm pregnant will reduce my "mom guilt" so if you have excellent recipes or ideas for incorporating flax seed... send 'em my way!

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