Wednesday, October 10, 2012

little things about baby

first, yes, i know my top header picture is off center.  you'll have to feel like dealing with it.  until i deal with it.  or get someone else to deal with it for me.  right emmy?!  ha.

in my head i've been keeping a record of sorts about how bedtime/naptime is going with baby girl.  maybe sometime i'll write it down and post it.  it's not terrible but i do miss the days of her asking to go to bed.

yesterday baby girl had a super rough morning.  even my friend, jodi, said she seemed like she was teething badly or getting sick.  she's just not herself and i'm wondering if that's contributing to the sleep issues.  maybe it just became apparent in sleep before it showed up in waking hours?

when baby girl doesn't want something, she tells me she's all done with it.  like if i offer her a slice of cheese for lunch and put it on her tray, she gives it back to me with an "all done cheese."  so of course she's started doing this for bedtime too.  when we go in her room she told me she was all done with her crib.  and when i got her a diaper and pj's she told me that she was "all done fresh diaper."  that one made me laugh out loud.

the knot situation is getting better.  when i go in after naps, she loves telling me "no knots!  no knots this way!" as she points to her head.

she over generalizes the use of direction.  (see above statement)

she's consistently awake in the mornings between 8 and 9.

have i mentioned before that she keeps her little bum elevated while i change her poopy diapers?  i'll have to post a picture sometime.  it's like her shoulder blades are on the floor while the rest of her is doing a modified crab.

she has some serious shoe preferences.  SERIOUS.  i bought her a pair of shoes on target clearance this spring and even though they fit fine, she refuses to wear them.  like cries when i put them on her.  and i know for a fact they're comfortable.  i guess she's just opposed to the style?  also, i guess i won't be buying shoes in advance for her because apparently all footwear needs her approval for clearance to her closet.

she still adores sweet baby james.  one time a week or two ago i absentminded started humming a primary song.  not more than five seconds into the song she blurts out "i want mommy sing BABY JAMES."  ohhhh, right.  ummmm, "there was an old cowboy, who lived on the range..."  ha.

she loves talking about fireworks, letters, and numbers.  all those deserve more stories to accompany them.

stories to come.

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