Monday, October 22, 2012

sisters make everything better

this morning we went to my doctor's appointment (more on that in the weekly update) and then filled up the car with gas and then headed to target to kill a little time before picking up our free lunch.  you see, my blogging sister emmy had a living social voucher but no restaurants in her area to use it on so she offered it to me.  in my area they were mostly all in denver but one happened to be right by my doctor's office.  so this morning after my appointment, i called emmy and she got everything worked out for me so that baby girl and i could have a delicious and free lunch!  thanks emmy!  and she kept me company on the phone throughout all of the driving, target, etc.  it was fabulous.

while we were at target, baby girl found a few things she wanted to take home with her.  i know i've said it a million times but i'll go ahead and say it again... i hate spending money.  hate. it. 

so instead, i took a few pictures of her with her items and then we said goodbye to thomas and abby and actually made it out of target with ZERO purchases!  amazing!  although if i'd thought of it at the time i totally would have picked up some pumpkin seeds because i've been craving those like crazy for the past 36 hours.  it's okay though, i think we're going to carve pumpkins while we watch the debate tonight for fhe.  are you praying for mitt?  i am!  anyways... back to target.

we go for the one glove look.  and every time we go to the shoe section of target she gets SOOOO excited for these abby slippers.
i seriously was tempted to get these things for her because i knew how happy it'd make her but i'm not about to set us up for a daily battle of "no, you can't wear your thomas hat and abby slippers to walmart and story time at the library."  maybe those slippers will show up in her christmas stocking.

also, i just kept thinking... can i just have her wear these things for halloween with a sign that says "i'm not dressed up.  i'm just a girl obsessed with thomas and abby" because i'm thinking that'd be great.

enjoying some philly cheese steak sandwich
the place was right on a super busy road and baby girl LOVED watching the mass of cars and trucks driving by.

emmy, thanks again for lunch and for hanging out with us this morning!

ready for my other sister story?!  saturday night, my christopher and i decided to attend the adult session of stake conference for the stake next to us since his dad would be speaking there and it would be nice to be there to support him.  christopher went early for priesthood session and then just stayed.  so when it got close, i got baby girl up from nap, drove her to the babysitter's (who was just getting home from work or else i would have dropped baby off earlier) and then headed to this stake conference.  i'd put the address in my gps and it said i would get there 2 mins before it started.  just enough time to park and race in.  perfect.  except that it didn't work that way.  are you familiar with the dreaded "you have reached your destination" when you know you're not in the right spot?!  because that's what happened when it said i was there and really i was just next to a neighborhood with no church building in sight (unless you count that lutheran church up the street).  the sun was setting and i could barely see so i turned around a few times and tried to look for a church building but it wasn't happening.  by that time, the stake conference had started so i couldn't call my christopher.  i couldn't even text him because i knew he was sitting front and center on the second row.  i called six people but no one was picking up.  i needed someone to be at home on a saturday night with internet access to help me figure out where i was going.  and who saved the day?!  my oldest sister, liza!  i was so relieved to hear her voice!  even though i'm sure all she heard was stress.  i filled her in (not very well) on my situation and gave her the address of the church and the cross streets for the intersection where i was and she guided me to the church building.  oh thank goodness because i was so stressed out, i was sweating profusely, and, of course, wanted to cry.  i'm fragile these days.  i ended up walking in almost twenty minutes late but got there in time to hear all of my father in law's talk.  he specifically mentioned how his two eldest sons were in attendance and his daughter in law carrie as well and how that meant so much to him.  it made me so grateful that i didn't have to give up and head back to parker.  then i would have cried for sure.  so liza, (do you even have time to read this anymore?!) thanks for saving my saturday.  it means the world to me.

and those are just two simple examples of why sisters make everything better.  especially when you're pregnant and emotionally unstable and anti-social and MIA.  if only everyone could have sisters as great as mine.

1 comment:

Lyndel said...

why have i never noticed the ca-razy carpet that Target has?! Is it like that in my Target too, or just yours?
Enjoyed your post though :) I agreed whole heartedly.