Tuesday, October 23, 2012

easiest pumpkin seeds ever

last night we carved one of our pumpkins.  and i made the best pumpkin seeds ever.  and the easiest pumpkin seeds ever.

in years past, i always get online and try to look at all of the top rated recipes and then come up with the very best combination.  it can get pretty complicated.  most say to rinse the seeds really well.  some say to boil them in salt water to get them really clean and get the salty flavor fully infused inside.  a lot say to let them dry overnight or 24 hours until there is no moisture left in them whatsoever.  some say to toss with oil/butter and salt.  some say to spray pan with non stick spray, some say to stir frequently, and on and on.

this time i was anxious for seeds and wanted them in my belly asap.  sooo, i'm presenting you with my "easiest pumpkin seeds ever" recipe.

the easiest pumpkin seeds ever

have your husband clean out your pumpkin and put all the seeds on a cookie sheet or jelly roll pan.
DON'T RINSE THE SEEDS (very few people online will tell you this but they're way more flavorful if you don't rinse them)
use a pastry brush (if you're like me and don't like to get your hands dirty) and spread a little melted butter on those suckers.
sprinkle with salt
bake in 300* oven for 33 minutes and forget to stir them.

when you walk into the kitchen you will have the most beautifully golden brown pumpkin seeds ever.  and you should eat them right up... hot out of the oven.

this part of the recipe is optional but i thoroughly enjoyed it:  right when the pumpkin seeds come out of the oven, sprinkle just the tiniest bit of sugar (white) over them.  you don't want the sweet to overpower the salty but trust me (or at least try it on a few), the sugar enhances the flavor and compliments the saltiness just like the euphoric combination that gives you kettle corn.  don't over sugar them though!  just use a pinch or two for the whole batch.  it's excellent!

so i'm happy to report that while these were by far the easiest pumpkin seeds i've ever made, they were also by far the tastiest and had the best texture.  

and i'm going to have christopher cut up another pumpkin tonight for us since we already ate all of our seeds from last night!

ps- i really love that my kid has such great eating habits and isn't a picky eater (finding out what she's in the mood for for lunch though is another story) but it's definitely not cool having to split your pumpkin seeds three ways instead of just the usual 50/50 as in years past.  oh the sacrifices me make as parents.

1 comment:

Sara said...

"it's definitely not cool having to split your pumpkin seeds three ways instead of just the usual 50/50"

Hahahaha! That's something I'll say when I have kids; I'm sure of it. :)