Friday, February 28, 2014

A long and pleasant Friday

First, I freaking hate the blogger app. I was pretty much done writing this novel of a post and then the screen pops up that another post has published and it has the "share" button right there and I click it every single time because I'm always feverishly typing and it's right in the middle of the screen. And then when I click back, everything I've typed is gone. First, can we not be auto-saving that all along like a gmail draft?!  Second, I don't ever care about sharing this crap!  I'm not publishing this to Facebook or google plus or anything else... That's just not this kind of blog. Can we opt out?  Because I'm super ticked to write this entire post again. I mean, I love my life, but I don't need to relive it fourteen times in one day. Just let me type it once and call it good!  Okay, end of rant... Even though I still have horribly bad feelings in my heart about this. 

My friend Shaylee invited Brady and myself to the little gym for a "bring a friend for free day" and I was super excited. Although kind of worried. Brady cried allllll day Tuesday. And yesterday, he slept in til 11:30 and then cried for the following three hours. I was kin of stressing about how it would go waking him up at 8:15 and then taking him to a new place with tons of strangers. And I'd have to myself and both kids out the door by 8:30 when normally it takes us until noon to do that. 

Well, it actually all went perfectly!  Brady was in a good mood even though I woke him up early (by taking that picture of him actually... The flash woke him up. Contrast that to Abigail who regularly sleeps through Brady's screaming and doesn't even flinch when I also turn on all of the lights to look for any binkies Brady has thrown overboard. Those two are opposites to the core.)  we got there 15 minutes early, just as planned, so I had time to feed Brady a banana in his carseat. Also, there was no traffic which was nice except that I was a little bit bitter that there was zero traffic on chambers this morning at 8:30 and yet, it was standstill traffic on chambers at 8:30 on December 18th 2012 when I was in full blown labor with Brady. Anyways... Brady looooved the gym. 

He had a blast exploring and climbing and dancing. I think his favorite was the rings (like in men's gymnastics) where he would hold on and I'd just let him hang while he giggled like crazy and then he would let go and I'd half catch him, half let him fall on the squishy mat, and he would laugh up a storm again. It was so cute. My favorite was just seeing him do his thing. You could tell he knew something was up and that it was just for him. Abigail wasn't there and all of he kids around were just his size. He knew he had my full attention and that it was his moment. He walked around full of pride and living life. It was his privileged only child moment and it was amazing. He didn't cry one single time. Also, the other moms couldn't get over his track suit. But who's even surprised at that?!0

More quilt pictures. Just expect this for another week or two. 

We've had some neglected blueberries in the fridge and tonight, both kids decided that they loved them and had to have them. Great. Just in time for that failing produce. 

Abigail was so sweet and complimentary and such a good listener today. And it made me even more happy that she was looking especially like my mini. It was the hair I think. And her Thomas shirt. It warmed my heart. 

The kid out eats me every time. 

Also, after over a year of honey dropping his iPhone, he finally cracked the screen. It has been freezing like crazy and not working well (I guess this happens with the older iPhones and the newer operating systems?) and this was the final straw. Honey went straight from work to Verizon. He wasn't thrilled. 

Also, he knows how much I truly hate the post office. 

Other notables: I left a note and some pistachios in my honey's car as a surprise for him like when we were dating. 
We finally used the last of our Applebee's cards!  Just in time because they expires tomorrow. I'll be happy not to have Applebee's for a long time. 
Today seemed like a long day (maybe because Abigail had to sleep in her white bed last night and when she does, she wakes up at 7am... Or that it's 11:31 and Brady is still having a hard time going to sleep tonight... What the heck Brady?!  You had such a good day today!) but it's been good. It has lacked the normal annoying things that can get in the way of me having a happy day. Today, Abigail was funny and always saying hilarious things. Also sweet things about how I'm a great mom. I got to hang out with Shaylee and Jodi and my mother in law. I made progress on my quilt. Abigail didn't get too caught up playing in the bathroom and even pooped in the potty completely unsolicited by me. Brady didn't cry and he didn't need a binky at all except in his crib for sleeping!  No screaming during playtime with a binky in his teeth!
I enjoyed the drive to castle rock to get Applebee's. a car ride of silence is so peaceful and fulfilling. And a car ride of regular top 40's music is actually fun and hit the spot!  
It was all just normal and small but it came together perfectly and I loved it. 

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