Friday, February 7, 2014

The last outback

This morning, Brady woke up with a crib full of vomit. Luckily he wasn't feeling too terrible although he didn't really have an appetite for breakfast. I put him down for a nap at 11:30 but her only slept a half hour. He never takes short naps so I was really confused. But when I went in, his crib was wet from more vomit. Luckily, it wasn't much and I guess that was the last of it because he was almost totally normal for the rest of the day. He took a nap at 1:30 for almost four hours and ate a Good dinner. And was in good spirits too. 

During nap, Abigail helped me organize and hung out with me in the basement. Sometimes I get frustrated because I just need some quiet to think, but today I was just loving the constant stream of entertaining chatter and questions keeping me company. We have a love hate relationship. It's mutual. We drive each other crazy but our love is fierce and we're like magnets. She's my sidekick. 

Tonight was the last time we'll be eating outback for [hopefully] a long, long time. We finally used our last gift card... Just four days before they expire. I got the sirloin with potato soup and sweet potato fries. The steak was super spicy but the soup was great and the sweet potato fries... I'm kicking myself for not ordering them sooner.  They were superb. Really the best part of the whole meal though?  Our kids were one million percent perfectly behaved. I'm talking flawless. Like I was thinking that when we were leaving and as soon as we got to the parking lot, Christopher turned to me all "umm, was that the very best our kids have ever behaved at a restaurant?!"  I mean, I can't emphasize it enough, they were amazing. Awesome since the last time we were at outback was a colossal  disaster. This time, we ended on a positive note. Kids, thanks for that. 

Also, baby girl is doing a lot of regressing lately with things she could once do independently. I think it's an attention thing and that it's connected to Brady. He's not just a baby blob anymore and now baby girl is begging for the attention to be back on her. Anyways, I'm too lazy to type out the details but help me out and cross your fingers we can work through it without us breaking up. ; )

Also, in case you were wondering... I'm not one of those cute Pinterest moms. 

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