Sunday, February 23, 2014

Kid clothes on the cheap

Monday night I went to old navy and bought a whole ton of stuff. But I don't feel too bad because I got some amazing deals. 

I found some shoes for myself for 97 cents. 

And kids clearance was an additional 20% off so these things were only 78 cents each. 

Pjs for next winter for $4. 

Pink shoes for $5 I think and the heart shoes were $1.50 and the knee socks were 38 cents and I can't remember how much for the pack of red socks. 

Skirts were all 75-80% off. The four on the left were $4 each and the two on the right were $3. Ranging from 3t to 5t. 

And some more of these jeans because they're less than $5. Brady has worn those ones on the left a few times this week. 

Shirts for Abigail. The two on the sides were $1.50 I think and the one in the middle was maybe $4... Can't remember. Varying sizes. 

Sweater dress for $5.50 - I love these because when it's too short to be a dress, you get another season of use out of it as a shirt by pairing it with leggings. 

Fur boots for Abigail. Because that's a necessity in Colorado. I think they were $6.50

And $15 boots for me because I wear my gray boots every day and they're getting trashed. 

And then by complete coincidence, I've gotten a bunch of hand me down girl clothes. We haven't gotten tons of hand me downs for Abigail in the past year and a half or so but my friend traci called and said she had some stuff if I wanted it. It's not a ton because her daughter grows slow and has been wearing he clothes for longer but check out those pretty dresses!  And Abigail has already worn those red skinnies since we got these clothes on Sunday. 

And then I was talking to my friend Jodi and she said she had a whole bag of clothes that Elle had outgrown. Elle is just slightly bigger than Abigail but she likes her clothes to fit much looser than Abigail likes her clothes to fit so this actually works pretty well. Abigail has been wearing those purple pjs all week. 

And now we have even more stuff for summer. I already got her a ton when everything was on sale this past fall because we hasn't gotten any hand me downs and I didn't want to risk paying full price in the spring (and it was from kohl's using those $10 off cards so it was all free anyways) so now she's just going to have a huge summer wardrobe. 

Im still enjoying winter but it does just feel good to be all ready for when summer comes around. 

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