Sunday, February 23, 2014

Happy Sunday!

I slept in and we would have been majorly late for church except that my honey came home after his meetings and helped get the kids ready and packed in the car. It's just even further proof that I need four arms and the capabilities to be in multiple places at one time. It's 2014, why haven't they come up with a solution for that yet? Also, a cure for the common cold (or the flu or whatever I have) would also be nice.  I've been sick for weeks and I'm living off of painkillers (for the aches and chills) and dreaming of one day being able to breathe through my nose again. 
Brady really hates 9:00 church. He gets woken up at 8:30, he has to eat breakfast all through the first two hours of church (typically multiple bananas, and today some craisins as well), and then he just signs "all done" and waves goodbye and cries through all of third hour. I've missed relief society the last two Sundays (and more partial Sundays before that) because I've been stuck in the hall with him. I am so over it. I hate missing the relief society lesson. Despite all of this, I really love morning church. Ten months left to enjoy it! 
After church we all ate and i put brady to bed. Then, because I was so congested and cold and achey, I took some painkiller and climbed in bed. I told Abigail that Brady was napping and mommy and daddy needed to rest. So she didn't have to go to sleep, she just had to play quietly on her own until I told her naptime was over. That never goes well. It normally lasts about six (very whiny) minutes. This time my ideal (well, almost... close enough) actually happened! She played on her own (although sometimes with the loud toys outside of our bedroom door... Whatever) for all of nap time!  At one point I was worried because it was so quiet for some long (I found out later that she was reading books in her room) but then I heard the toilet upstairs flush. And a few minutes later she came tiptoeing into our room to ask if I would snap her pjs for her. Then she put a sticker on her potty chart and brought me a treat, asking for permission to eat it and if I would open it for her. All of this is also always extra cute because she has to push a chair across the kitchen to limb on the counter to reach the treat cabinet and she always puts everything back exactly as it was before. And she even rinsed her hands after her sticky treat like I asked her. I swear this pretty much never happens.... Maybe once a month. I was so proud of her. But then honey had been trying to nap next to me and was irritated at baby girl coming in those few times and started to [sleepily and grumpily] reprimand her. You better believe I hushed him up real fast. I'm not tolerating that nonsense in my home. A job well done is a job well done, even and especially during nap time. Anyways, it made my day. Maybe there is hope?!
Honey watched a vitamix demo when we were at Costco yesterday and tried to recreate the smoothie the guy made, with some minor variations. It was disgusting. You know it is truly I edible when Brady will only take about ten sips and then spends the next hour politely pushing it away. We call him our garage disposal because he eats anything leftover or rejected by the rest of us. Well, I guess this one was his limit. 
Honey napped for 2.5 hours and I napped for at least 1.5and Brady   napped for 3 hours and baby girl didn't nap at all. Where does she get all that energy?!
Honey did a whole ton of dirty dishes tonight. He did a whole ton yesterday morning too. He's good about that and I'm grateful for it. I'm happy to do laundry all day long but no thank you to the dishes please. 
Also, tonight I asked Abigail what she'd like to learn about for fhe. She said "knees" so I asked honey to try to link something to knees. Well let me tell you, that guy gave us an awesome little lesson on family prayer, complete with multiple pictures of families and kids kneeling in prayer. Perfect. 
Yesterday we had a stake relief society meeting and it was phenomenal. The lady was Julie Richmond and she was somewhat older and the most quick witted and funny and endearing woman. I want us to be BFF. Anyways, the main things I got from her talk was that sometime The Lord needs a woman and if we are available, we can be there to fill what roll he needs (and she told the example of when her husband was mission president and one of their missionaries got in major trouble) and her challenge to us to pray for strength that we can do things (as opposed for praying that the situation be better) and cited when nephi prayed that he would have strength to burst the bands that bound his arms... Not that the rain would loosen the rope, etc. She was such an incredible speaker and I could have listened to her all day long. I'm so grateful I was able to attend that meeting. That was my relief society fix for this weekend. 
If I haven't stated it officially, I'm declaring my goal for 2014 to be a house of order. This means having every inch of my house organized and a system in place for future things that will come up (mostly paperwork, gift giving, holiday celebration, photo storage, etc). Also, that we will have our 72 hour kits up to date and have 100% of our year supply of food storage for the four people currently in our family as well as other emergency and year supply needs. Also, making huge steps toward being my ideal (like being the person that consistently cooks meals and manages to have an official family dinner together most every night, family home evening and family council type meetings, and other things I will record more privately) which will involve a lot of "if this is the way you want it to be... Why not now?"  There are too many things I've procrastinated for no good reason. I'm naturally a super lazy person and I've always been averse to goals because I'm lazy and I'm not competitive and it often leads to failure. Most of my successes have been unplanned. Like I would never have had the courage years ago to keep up a family blog like I do because it is a lot of work and a huge time commitment. But thanks to the peer pressure of my apx friend Karen, I started this blog (literally named "trying out the blog") and it just kind of rolled into this. When I was a teenager I went to a soup kitchen one morning to do service hours for a religion class at school. I liked it a lot so I ended up going back every Sunday at 6am to serve breakfast to homeless people... For years. Until I graduated high school and even in college when I was home during the summer and on Christmas break. I have a fear of commitment for goals but for some reason I'm having the strength right now to set this one. Will someone hold me to it (or just hold my hand?!) and keep me motivated and on track for this? It's kind of a gigantic goal. Maybe I'll try to post my progress to keep myself accountable. Yikes, can you tell I'm terrified?
On that note, I want to be the person that doesn't stay up until 1 or 2am wasting time online when it's actually just time to sleep. So now I'm going to make myself lay her until I go to sleep. 11 isn't that bad, right?  It's a start. 

And just because this girl is great. 
And because it was nice weather and on our drive home from church she asked if it was summer today. Ehh, not yet. 

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