Friday, February 7, 2014

Matching Thomas pjs

Today was frustrating. Lots of good things happened, but there was still enough blah to put me in a terribly crappy mood. Hopefully tomorrow is better. 


This guy is adorable. This is a favorite toy in our house right now. For both kids. We call them donuts. 

Abigail slept til noon but then was in a pretty sensitive mood all day. Not sure what's going on with her. Sleeping til NOON?!  Anyways, her slowness is killing me these days. It took her over an hour to eat brunch and in the meantime, she and Brady knocked her cereal over big time. I sometimes try to keep track of the spills but I always lose count. This was going on while I scrubbed puke out of Brady's pjs and bedding again. What the heck Brady? 

Brady's new carseat came. 

I dressed the kids in matching Thomas pjs. Abigail was thrilled. 

Brady is a legit kid now. 

Buzzfeed says I'm elinor dashwood. 

This guy has got to be teething. He's sleeping alright but he's got this weird vomit thing going on and a bad diaper rash and a severely decreased appetite. And don't let the picture fool you... He is crazy fussy. 

Thank goodness for Saturday. 

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