Sunday, February 16, 2014

Homeward bound

I went to sleep Wednesday night thinking to myself... "I'm doing it!  I'm surviving!  Less than 48 hours until my honey gets home!"

Then I woke up Thursday morning to a picture of my brother's house covered in snow. He lives in Atlanta. That is no promising for my honey in New York. 

So I turned on the news. Not good. 

And I kept getting bleak text updates from my honey about how every flight on every airline was cancelled (they were at the airport beside they had business in Nashville before flying home) and I was getting kind of depressed although still very much in denial. 

"Officials urging people to stay off roads until tomorrow.". Six minutes after this last shot, my honey told me they were driving to Nashville to catch their flight from there. Awesome. 

When he got home Friday night, I was positively giddy. Maybe my best Valentina's night ever. 

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