Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Making "valentimes" and ironing

I'm terrible at crafting and arting with Abigail. Or ever actually. But with Brady being sick... Monday left us home alone and bored. So we crafted. Go ahead and hand me some well earned mom points. 

This was supposed to be for Elle. But then Abigail decided she wanted to keep it. Three year olds aren't really into sacrificing for others yet, huh? 

Those stickers are layers thick. I was busy ironing* so I was just glad she was occupied... happy and quiet. 

Displaying our artwork... Which doubles as 100% of our valentine decorations. 

*speaking of ironing... I seriously never iron. Like I don't remember doing any ironing in all of 2013. And I'm 90% sure I didn't iron any clothes in 2012 either. I'm religious about pulling stuff straight from the dryer, or hanging it to dry, so ironing isn't necessary. But because I'm a hoarder at heart, I still have an ironing board in my basement. I'm a little OCD and for 2.5 years, the shower curtain in our guest room has been hanging with major lines and wrinkles from the packaging it came in. I thought they would solve themselves on their own but they were stubborn and wouldn't budge. So I decided to wash the shower curtain and then use an iron to steam it dry. This is a job for an actual ironing board... Not just a towel spread out on our kitchen island. I told Abigail I needed to do some ironing. As I brought the ironing board up from the basement, her eyes got wide and with wonder and amazement filling her voice she said "what is that?!" In slow motion like you would expect of a child meeting a unicorn or other mythical creature. I told her it was an ironing board as it sunk in that she has probably never seen this anywhere, ever. So she pulled a chair over to watch, still amazed and fascinated. As I waited for the iron to heat up she asked again much the same as before, "what is that?!"  I laughed and told her it was an iron. "But what does it do?!  Does it make loud noises?!"  (She covers her ears for the blender and vacuum still). Umm no, it just gets really really hot. 

Forget modern technology, this kid is mystified, literally full of wonder and awe, at an iron. 

Happy homemaking domestic me. Hey, we believe in wrinkle free shirts around here. 

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